News Archives

The top 10 questions from #AskMiguel

The top 10 questions from #AskMiguel

by. Alana Coticchia You asked, Miguel answered. Recently, Miguel Zubizarreta, CTO and executive vice president of Hyland, creator of OnBase, sat down for a live social media chat to answer any and all questions asked. [...]

151 & Counting: A fat stack of radio

Twelve Years of Making Radio: What I've learned, and what I like by. Josh Streufert Last week, I was in the studio producing a radio spot for our friends at Georgia United Credit Union. When [...]

What is Heartbleed?

Heartbleed or CVE-2014-0160 is a zero day vulnerability discovered on versions of OpenSSL between 1.0.1 and 1.0.1g. The vulnerability allows attackers to access sensitive information in memory. What does all this [...]

NCUA to credit unions: You never had it so good

by. Henry Meier I’m exaggerating only slightly this morning.  In written testimony before the House Financial Services Committee yesterday NCUA General Counsel Michael McKenna stated that 70% of NCUA’s final rules over the [...]

Can you buy “like” at your credit union?

Can you buy “like” at your credit union?

In today’s Facebook world, everyone wants consumers to “like” their credit union or bank on Facebook. After all, you often judge your social media success and ROI by the number of members or customers [...]

Fast & easy ways to promote Financial Literacy Month

Fast & easy ways to promote Financial Literacy Month

by. Kayla Byers In the United States, Financial Literacy Month has been officially celebrated in April since 2003 to highlight the importance of realistic money management skills and support ways of teaching Americans of all [...]

Dan Rockwell: A must read

by. Anthony Demangone I can't remember the exact day I stumbled upon the "Leadership Freak."  It is a blog written by Dan Rockwell. Devoted to leadership, it is a daily dose of medicine, encouragement and [...]

Winning the ‘War of the Worlds’

by. Lisa Hochgraf I read business articles all the time. So in those few minutes before I fall asleep at night, I often try tackling something different. Interestingly, my latest selection, the classic sci-fi story [...]