News Archives

Convergence marketing driving the future

In the past, banking convenience was defined by where your branches were located. Have a branch near where I live? Then you are convenient. In the future, banking convenience is defined electronically. The mobile channel, [...]

How credit unions get public relations wrong

How credit unions get public relations wrong

Public relations is one of the most powerful weapons in the marketing arsenal, yet there is an abundance of credit union marketers and CEOs who believe that advertising, not PR, is the number one choice [...]

Where’s the data for branch transformation?

Where’s the data for branch transformation?

 “Branch of the Future” or “Branch Transformation” - however you term it - the concept continues to build across the industry. As more customers migrate to mobile technologies for every day transactions, such as check [...]

How do I prepare for an audit of my DR/BCP plan?

How do I prepare for an audit of my DR/BCP plan?

If you have either a CPA, NCUA, FDIC, or OTS audit coming up and you would like to review your plan to make sure it will meet the general requirements, this post is for you. [...]

Stress test for values

Stress test for values

by. Lisa Hochgraf If you're driving and a deer crosses in front of you, what do you do? In contrast, if you're driving and a child crosses in front of you, what do you do? [...]

Do members trust you?

Do members trust you?

These are nervous times. Javelin Strategy and Research says there was a new victim of identity fraud every two seconds in 2013. If the news isn’t warning you about yet another security breach, it [...]

Twenty quick branding tips

The title for this post is a little misleading. Branding is not easy. It’s hard work, takes time and requires significant resources. However, branding is also not overly complicated.                     Rather than go into great [...]

Is your brand sacred?

Is your brand sacred?

I’m hoping that after you’ve read the title of this contribution, you’ve answered with an emphatic “Yes!”, but for those of you who might not be so sure, this is the perfect [...]

A word from your cruise director

A word from your cruise director

It's the last day of vacation and I'm writing this post from a Royal Caribbean cruise ship, somewhere near Great Abaco island in the Bahamas. My family is very loyal to Royal Caribbean, much more [...]

Data management key to successfully mining data analytics

Data management key to successfully mining data analytics

by. Brandon Bogler Data analytics can play an important role in the way financial institutions (FIs) go about building their customer bases and generating new revenue streams. However, a recent survey found that many FIs [...]