News Archives

Post-Its pop for eye-appealing promotion

by. Joe Swatek A simple letter can become far more eye-appealing with the use of a colorful Post-It Note message. This is another marketing technique to file away for use when it can be most [...]

The effects of Uber on marketing

You’ve probably heard of Bitcoin.  Maybe you know about Lending Club or Kickstart. You’re certainly familiar with Payday lenders.  We don’t mention them during monthly competitive reviews for our clients of the [...]

What not to do as a leader

What not to do as a leader

by. Dan Berger Leaders are humans; we make mistakes. But when we make them as leaders, those mistakes carry great weight and heavy consequences. So how do we prevent them? I’ve gathered a couple [...]

Engage the unengaged employee

by. Lisa Hochgraf, based on reporting by Karin Sand Prospective grooms deliver flowers, make reservations at a nice restaurant and get down on one knee, all in the hopes that the woman of their dreams [...]

Reputation Risk: Exhibit No. 2,357

By now, I'm sure many of you have read about Donald Sterling, the current owner of the Los Angeles Clippers. If you haven't, here are the Cliff Notes. Mr. Sterling owns an NBA franchise. He [...]

New ways to authenticate card-not-present transactions

New ways to authenticate card-not-present transactions

by. Brandon Kuehl Consumer-facing solutions for authenticating digital transactions had been bandied about the industry a few years ago. These include an EMV card reader that individuals would use to authenticate their cards for online [...]

IRS inbound rollover guidance may both help and hinder

by. Todd Berghuis Retirement plan rollovers are a high priority for the IRS these days.  That is not a criticism, because the portability of retirement savings is essential to workers if they are to have [...]

Unemployment rate tumbles; CFPB tinkers with QM mortgages

by. Henry Meier I’ve been holding off on posting the blog this morning and I’m glad I did. The unemployment numbers just came out and the WSJ is reporting that: “Americans gained jobs [...]

10 tips to becoming a great marketer

10 tips to becoming a great marketer

Last month, I was asked to speak to a group of liberal arts students at a local university for an “Advanced Marketing Concepts” class.  After meeting with the professor ahead of time to discuss the [...]

What are the pros and cons of dedicated recovery space?

With NCUA’s focus on ensuring credit union’s are capable of meeting their RTO/RPO as evidenced through testing continues to grow, the appeal of mobile recovery units is shrinking. Most mobile recovery providers [...]

Evolution takes courage

by. Kristiana Lockman Sometimes relying on our history can hinder our best efforts to evolve an established brand. When things aren’t going as well as we’d hoped, when we feel unsure about what [...]