News Archives

Micromanaging or meddling?

Micromanaging or meddling?

by. Dan Berger We’ve all heard it from our employees: No one likes a micromanaging boss. While I’ll admit that micromanaging can often have negative effects on morale, productivity and possibly even an [...]

Risk-based capital

by. Anthony Demangone Sure, leadership is about communicating clearly, creating a vision and motivating your colleagues to reach their full potential. But sometimes, it is about recognizing when your credit union or the industry is [...]

CUES CEO Institute III Day 3: Half Inch

CUES CEO Institute III Day 3: Half Inch

I would like to take this time to introduce you today to what appeared to be my arch nemesis at the end of our day yesterday. My shoe. Now to be honest, I don’t [...]

Canada reports EMV cuts fraud losses

Canada reports EMV cuts fraud losses

by. Brandon Kuehl With 80 countries around the globe currently in different phases of EMV chip card adoption, the technology’s impact on fraud is becoming clearer. Canada, for instance, converted to the EMV standard [...]

Does Congress give one IOLTA about credit unions?

Former Staten Island Congressman turned lobbyist Vito Fosella gave a great presentation to our Governmental Affairs Conference a couple weeks ago about how, when trying to get things done in the Legislature and Congress, it [...]

The new normal in mergers

How many credit unions are merging and what does it all mean? by. Erik Payne The first quarter 2014 issue of Credit Union Strategy & Performance features an in-depth profile of Maryland-based Municipal Employees Credit [...]

Suffering from decision fatigue?

Suffering from decision fatigue?

My boss Dan, NAFCU’s President and CEO, recently asked how my day was going.  The following conversation ensued: Me. (Anthony forcibly lifts his head from his desk.  With a weary voice, he utters the [...]

Credit union culture is like genetic code

by. Henry Wirz The credit union’s culture is the genetic code that assures that each generation of the credit union carries on the traits that define the credit union. Like the genetic code, culture [...]

Shopping for ECM is just like buying a suit

by. Glenn Gibson With some weddings looming on our family calendar, my wife took to encouraging me to buy a new suit. Now, I’m usually quite happy for my wife to buy me clothes [...]

What are the emerging DDOS trends?

What are the emerging DDOS trends?

by. Robin Remines You ever try to stay dry during a rainstorm using a pair of sunglasses as a shield? No? Didn’t think so. Why? Because common sense tells us to assess our environment ([...]