News Archives

Premium Subscription: Anywhere (like a coffee shop)

by. Sarah Stoner Last week I was working from a coffee shop in my neighborhood when I heard, “Sarah!” Looking up, I was surprised to see Rick Kirk, our director of operations, along with CFO [...]

Fraud and confidence play a role in cross-sell

by. Brent Batchelor When customers are made aware of the fraud prevention strategies their financial institutions use, they have more confidence in those institutions and become more loyal customers. Financial institutions that effectively communicate their [...]

Keys to a strong value proposition

Consumers want value and values in a financial institution. They want a good deal (value) while not dealing with snakes (values). So how can your credit union or bank deliver those key ingredients to consumers? [...]

3 simple steps for market growth

by. Sean McDonald There are a lot of ways that organizations can increase their market share.  With all of the additional competition, companies must find ways to make consumers more quality-conscious instead of being price-conscious.  [...]

Context change creates opportunity

Context change creates opportunity

The future of credit union market development lies in the traditional foundation and strength of the cooperative charter, powered by the personalized member service that has risen from that cooperative charter, combined with the technology [...]

More retailers supporting mobile, even as fraud concern is up

More retailers supporting mobile, even as fraud concern is up

by. Brian Day The mobile channel is playing a growing role in retail business. In fact, mobile commerce now accounts for 20 percent of retailers’ business, according to a recent report. The report, “Mobile Payments [...]

How to make your financial institution different

The short answer to the title’s question (how to make your financial institution different) is to read the book Difference by Bernadette Jiwa. The book’s subtitle captures the essence of what the author [...]

GSEs to aggressively lend a helping hand

by. Henry Meier Whether or not your credit union offers mortgages, you got some good news yesterday.  Former North Carolina Congressman turned head of the Federal Housing Finance Administration Mel Watt used his first major [...]

Financial institutions ripe for mergers and acquisitions

by. Alan Jackson If your financial institution has recently been involved in a merger or acquisition, or may be in the near future, you are not alone. Sixty-five percent of the respondents to KPMG’s [...]

Too interconnected to fail

by. Keith Leggett Credit unions have had a history of being too interconnected to fail. Whenever a corporate credit union got into financial trouble, NCUA has stepped in to bailout credit unions. In January 1995, [...]