News Archives

Disruptive technologies push FIs to innovate

Disruptive technologies push FIs to innovate

by. Shazia Manus Recent research revealed more than half of retail financial institution (FI) executives consider non-traditional financial services providers a threat to traditional FIs. Conversely, 31 percent view non-traditional players less as a threat [...]

Facebook slaps marketers with higher ad fees

Facebook is revamping their pricing platform for business clients. Over the past few months, the popular social networking website has been reducing the organic reach of its pages, according to a recent report in Time [...]

Blue, navy blue

by. Ron Daly I saw a story on today's CU Watercooler titled "World's Largest Credit Union is Getting Bigger". It would seem that Navy Federal, the biggest dog in the credit union pack, is expanding [...]

New York State taking a closer look at non-bank servicers

by. Henry Meier Benjamin Lawsky, Superintendent of New York’s Department of Financial Services, used a speech before the Mortgage Bankers Association’s Secondary Market Conference in New York City yesterday to highlight the DFS’[...]

Your marketing not to do list

Your marketing not to do list

We all have them: To Do lists. If you’re as anal as I am, you may even have multiple To Do lists. It’s not enough that I have a list of things to [...]

Mobile momentum- stay ahead of the game

Mobile momentum- stay ahead of the game

Mobile banking has become one of the most rapidly growing services that consumers expect from their financial institution.  Today, consumers increasingly rely on the availability and feature set of mobile banking apps to decide which [...]

The best advice ever?

The best advice ever?

Just after being named a first-time CEO, I was in a conversation with one board member who observed that as leaders we all have egos and there are times when a leader must manage personal [...]

When the chips are down

by. Anthony Demangone I love history. And for some reason, World War II has always captivated me. And within that large body of history, Winston Churchill stood out. I mention this because I was scanning [...]

4 ways to come up with brilliant ideas when the pressure’s on

4 ways to come up with brilliant ideas when the pressure’s on

Best-selling author and ghostwriter Michael Levin defines creativity as "the ability to develop great ideas while under pressure.” “Pressure creates diamonds, so why shouldn’t it also create great ideas?” he says. Still, sometimes, pressure [...]

Your sales should start with content

Your sales should start with content

by. Matt Neznanski In a saturated media landscape, straight sales pitches are dismissed. But digital tools provide great opportunity to indicate when customers are considering a purchase, and therefore more likely to welcome some help, [...]