News Archives

Hail, hail the powerful 1 percent!

by. Anthony Demangone I love a good tweak. Trying to tinker with a process to eek out a little more efficiency gives me untold joy. Just how powerful is a tweak? Even a small one? [...]

Get your own CEO Institute Memory Box

Get your own CEO Institute Memory Box

CUES member relations director describes all she took home from Wharton this spring. by. Tammy Douglass I took a lot of useful things home from CEO Institute I: Strategic Planning this spring. But the size [...]

Credit unions can put data analytics to work for them

by. Brandon Bogler With 90 percent of worldwide data having been created in the past two years, there’s no question that Big Data is currently a very big deal. For community financial institutions (FIs), [...]

Which social platform should you use?

Which social platform should you use?

by. Fatemeh Fakhraie You want to get the most out of your social media efforts with the least amount of time, right? Of course you do–there’s no use trying to cram a square [...]

Thoughts on “Decoration Day”

by. Todd Berghuis Given the pace at which we live our life these days, it’s pretty easy to let the distinctions between the different holidays become blurred.  We often find ourselves seeing holidays as [...]

Then. Now. Old questions revisited.

Then. Now. Old questions revisited.

The financial services world is evolving and credit unions have every chance to maintain or even grow relevancy in an ever confusing marketplace. Here are some of the questions you might have asked in the [...]

Public Speaking: It’s part of the job

Public Speaking: It’s part of the job

by. Dan Berger It’s probably a safe assumption to say that most of us, as leaders, have had to give a presentation in front of others at one time or another. It’s part [...]

Memory and mission

Memory and mission

Chances are you’re reading this blog post as you sit at your desk on Friday morning. In your head, you’re already miles away, on a beach or in a tent at a campground [...]

Your top 5 BSA questions answered

Your top 5 BSA questions answered

by. Coppelia Padgett Recently, our firm participated in an NCUA-sponsored workshop devoted to the Bank Secrecy Act. This event was immensely popular, attracting some 2,000 attendees. Of course, with that many in attendance, it [...]

Credit unions should go ‘all-in’ with social media

by. Georgann Smith A recent consumer survey provides some eye-opening statistics that can be viewed as an opportunity for financial institutions (FIs) to improve their social media strategy. In short, 87 percent of those surveyed [...]

104 credit unions late filing call reports, face fines

by. Keith Leggett The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) announced that 104 credit unions were late filing their first quarter 2014 Call Reports. The agency in January warned credit unions that beginning with the first [...]

Credit unions innovating to meet members needs

Credit unions innovating to meet members needs

by. Cyndi Cohen The world of banking has to move fast to keep up with consumers’ demands and ever-changing technology, and credit unions are no exception. If they haven’t done so yet, now is [...]

Surprised by realtors

The National Association of Realtors just published data regarding their annual member profile survey. It was based on responses from nearly 6,500 Realtors. Key points of information included income, homes sold, experience, etc. The [...]