News Archives

The power of curated content

The power of curated content

The Power of Curated Content In my last article I wrote about Sharing Life Moments with Members, and I talked about how sharing life moments with members is about finding ways to connect. Companies have [...]

The consumerization of IT or, that’s how I do it at home

The consumerization of IT or, that’s how I do it at home

by. Mike Satterthwaite You’ve probably heard the phrase “the consumerization of IT” at some point in the last year or two. It’s a notion that many organizations recognize. But what does it really [...]

Why managed cloud security?

Why managed cloud security?

Scanning email and protecting your inbox from the assault of viruses and spam has been a major corporate security cost since email become the norm. Your choices were either to scan emails on the server, [...]

Privacy gets a makeover

Privacy gets a makeover

by. Jane Pannier More and more financial institution processes are getting a technological makeover, and privacy is no exception. Regulation P currently requires financial institutions to provide initial and annual privacy notices to their customers/[...]

Innovators prioritize consumer payments experience

by. Brian Day Earlier this month , I blogged about mobile-wallet early adopters, consumer attachment to mobile devices and when the mobile wallet might replace the traditional wallet. In that blog, I excerpted a portion of [...]

Two cases worth knowing about

by. Henry Meier I take a break from writing this blog for one week to go watch a few rounds of the US Open Golf Tournament and all Hell breaks loose. House Majority Leader Eric [...]

Mining the buyer journey for competitive advantage

by. Jim Heisler The paradigm of keeping customers is well understood. Customer loyalty is based on meeting the expectations of your customers at every touch point (e.g., marketing communications, sales, product/service usage, support, [...]

Prepaid cards receive high marks from financial health organization

by. Konrad Christensen The prepaid industry recently earned an A- for quality from the Center for Financial Services Innovation (CFSI). The scorecard measured 18 prepaid cards against the CSFI’s recommendations outlined in its “Compass [...]

Finding success through creativity

How often do we see processes maintained simply because that’s the way it has always been? We accept the status quo and move on. This way of thinking can cost us revenue, strategic alliances [...]

Tomorrow’s leaders

by. Anthony Demangone Organizations are funny things. Employees come in and move out, yet the organization remains. This applies to all employees, including the organization's leadership. How do you develop and nurture the next generation [...]

Mystery shops show consistency concerns

Mystery shops show consistency concerns

As part of its larger marketing audit services, On The Mark Strategies performs mystery shops. These primarily entail posing as potential customers or members for clients to investigate how competing banks and credit unions interact [...]