News Archives

Get to the point with your credit union videos

by. Jonathan Lay I have a confession to make. I have tab in Chrome titled “Bad Bank & Credit Union Videos.” And after watching them recently, I began notice a pattern of mistakes that financial [...]

A real friend helps you move

by. Joseph Winn When you need to get a couch from Point A to Point B, how many pizzas are ordered? What about for a website? We are currently in the process of migrating a [...]

Annual social media conference for credit unions

by. Barbara Gering CU Conferences is hosting their annual Social Media Conference in Seattle July 10th-13th and Weber Marketing Group's Kristiana Lockman is leading two sessions: Friday, July 11, 10:30 am - 11:30 [...]

There are no “quiet exits” in the payment game

By now, you've likely heard the news that the Approved Card, the prepaid financial product promoted by none other than Suze Orman, is shutting down. You probably remember a few years ago when much ruckus [...]

Accentuate the positive, AND eliminate the negative

by. Anthony Demangone What do employees want out of work?  What will push any person to do a good job? And what will hinder those efforts? Great questions, indeed. Fredrick Herzberg thought they were good [...]

The lynchpin of innovation

The lynchpin of innovation

by. Christopher Stevenson There are lots of great case studies on innovators and innovative companies. Some tell the story of ongoing innovative developments and brand extensions of companies like Nike--stretching from the legendary waffle sole [...]

The state of financial literacy in US schools

The state of financial literacy in US schools

by. Laura Edmonston They say that for every dark cloud there is a silver lining.  This could definitely be used to describe the current state of financial literacy in the U.S.  Headlines concerning financial [...]

5 reasons your employees are lying to you

5 reasons your employees are lying to you

ewsflash #1: Your team lies to you sometimes. Maybe a lot of the time. Newsflash #2: It’s at least partly your fault. Newsflash #3: If you deny the possibility of #2 above, you may [...]

Your 7 deadly sins online

Despite great technological leaps and rapid adoption in the online channel over the last 20 years, the digital experience at banks and credit unions is shamefully inconsistent with their physical branches. Ever since online banking [...]

Living your values

Living your values

I was recently meeting with a group from a bank who was looking for help on the direction of their marketing plan.  We started the conversation with what are your core values.  We went through [...]