News Archives

Flashback: Amanda McMeans (Thomas)

Flashback: Amanda McMeans (Thomas)

Next up in our Flashback series is Amanda McMeans. Amy McMeans, 2011 Finalist At the time of the competition, Amanda was the Marketing & Business Development Manager with Members First Credit Union ($48M) in Columbus, [...]

OGO Tech Tip: Exchange mailbox sizing

by. Robbie Wright How many cookies can Cookie Monster eat? How many network administrators does it take to change a firewall rule? Unfortunately, what is the maximum size for an Exchange mailbox is just like [...]

Bike loans. No, not those bikes.

Bike loans. No, not those bikes.

Thanks, cities of the Pacific Northwest. You keep making us look bad! First, you’re all about giving back, then you come around and show us all up with your fantastic bicycling culture. Last time [...]

Shhh…you’re posting too much!

Shhh…you’re posting too much!

by. Matt Guralsky I want you to close your eyes and imagine a giant barbecue in a nice park on a beautiful spring day. The sounds of birds chirping and the sizzle of hot dogs [...]

CNP fraud risk increasingly problematic for issuers

by. Brandon Kuehl TMG Senior Fraud Prevention Analyst Nicole Reyes and I recently co-authored a paper that delves into the current state of card-not-present (CNP) fraud. In it, we tackle the projected growth of CNP [...]

Living an authentic leadership style

by. Dan Berger Being true to yourself – or living an authentic life – is important, and we all know it. And it’s just as important within the workplace as it is outside. If you’re [...]


by. Anthony Demangone Not too long ago, my boss, Dan Berger, wrote a nice piece on his blog about balance. Dan loves the outdoors, and he writes about how being in nature helps him recharge [...]

How credit unions should market to millennials

How credit unions should market to millennials

by. Larry Meador Millennials constitute the largest generational group mankind has seen since the Baby Boomers. This generation – also known as Generation Y – is made up of individuals born between 1982 and 2001. This group [...]

Key credit union bill passes in final hours

by. Henry Meier Greetings from Saratoga Springs!  The frenzy that characterizes the final hours of New York’s Legislative Session lived up to expectations again this year.  In fact, the Senate is expected to reconvene [...]

Credit Unions: The anti-firefly?

Credit Unions: The anti-firefly?

by. Ron Shevlin Here are some things I’ve learned from recent consumer research I’ve conducted (nothing earth-shattering, but at least there’s data to back up the assertions): Gen Yers have an impulse [...]