News Archives

Your board is not your target audience

Your board is not your target audience

Credit unions are typically blessed by active and involved boards of directors. These individuals volunteer countless hours of their own time, combined with passion and energy, all in the pursuit of shaping and guiding a [...]

Be that guy…

It seemed like a good idea at the time.  Back in 2004, I signed up to run the Dublin Marathon. I trained well, but I knew the race would be a challenge. For those who [...]

Not the granular tech, but the wave effect that matters

Not the granular tech, but the wave effect that matters

by. Lisa Hochgraf "Who cares what you ate for breakfast?" was my first thought when I learned about Twitter during its early days. I thought it was just me. But recently I saw a presentation [...]

The founding fathers would’ve loved the internet

The founding fathers would’ve loved the internet

Tomorrow, DigitalMailer and many (if not all) of its clients across the nation will be closed in celebration of July 4th, marking the 238th year since the signing of the Declaration of Independence. How exciting [...]

Credit unions facing a “perfect storm”

Credit unions facing a “perfect storm”

Unlike banks, credit union executives are limited on how much they can contribute and receive from retirement plans. CUNA Mutual Group's Bruce Bauer (senior executive benefits specialist) spoke about this controversial subject at ACUC saying [...]

Tips for the new credit union marketer

Tips for the new credit union marketer

So, you just landed a job as a bank or credit union marketing professional. First of all, congratulations. In this day and age and with the current economy, your hard work and determination is commendable. [...]

NCUA: Credit union regulator or cheerleader?

by. Keith Leggett Once again, the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) has confused its role as a credit union regulator for being the head cheerleader from the credit union industry. On July 2 NCUA Board [...]



Yes, the holiday fast approaches this Friday in 2014. How exciting! We the people celebrate our independence here, have a day off, and get back to the meaningful work ahead during our summer months. Or [...]

The Doomed?

The Doomed?

By Guest Blogger Colonel (Ret.) Gary Steele, Senior Consultant at Diamond6 Leadership & Strategy, LLC, and a 2014 TMG Executive Summit speaker “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” George [...]

What the HELOC is going on here?

by. Henry Meier There are some things that just make no sense to me. For example, why can’t a country of 270 million sports loving citizens, many of whom grew up playing soccer, find [...]

The solution to a catch 22

During the Great Depression, Boeing employees couldn’t afford the tools they needed to remain employed, so they formed a credit union. by. Jennifer Rosenbaum BECU ($12.6B, Seattle, WA) was founded in 1935 as [...]

It’s not a website. It’s another branch

It’s not a website. It’s another branch

Introducing a guest post from Keith Winn, VP Marketing of cuZOOM, and CU veteran! It’s taken some 100 years, others 50 years, or even less. To do what? Essentially to develop the “perfect” member [...]