News Archives

Should the wealthy be denied credit union membership?

Should the wealthy be denied credit union membership?

by. Gina Ragusa If it were up to Frank Keating, CEO of the American Bankers Association, your wallet size and possibly profession should theoretically exclude you from credit union membership. Last month Keating submitted an [...]

Why credit unions should refine their marketing efforts

Why credit unions should refine their marketing efforts

by. David Hadaway Although it seems obvious that marketing initiatives are crucial for growth, not all credit union leaders make it a priority. Cameron Madill, CEO of Web design and marketing company PixelSpoke, conducted a [...]

The cost of a data breach

The cost of a data breach

by. Michael Ogden According to a Ponemon Institute report, the average total cost of a data breach is $3.5 million. And that breaks down to $145 for each lost or stolen record containing sensitive [...]

Pres: We need more banking reform

by. Henry Meier In a recent interview, President Obama suggested that what the country needs is more banking reform. Speaking on MarketPlace Radio last Wednesday, the President was asked whether Dodd-Frank had worked since mega [...]

Homeownership is rising among the millennial population

Homeownership is rising among the millennial population

by. David Hadaway While those ages 18 to 34 are facing student loan debt, slow job growth and expensive down payments, they are showing signs of financial resilience. Homeownership is becoming more feasible for Generation [...]