News Archives

Have a 529? Here’s how to best use it

by. Amaia Kirtland College is just around the corner for newly graduated high school seniors, which means the first tuition bills will appear at any moment. To help guide families who are using 529 plans [...]

2014-2015 E-Scan offers marketing insights

2014-2015 E-Scan offers marketing insights

The Credit Union National Association recently released the 2014-2015 Environmental Scan. The E-Scan offers insights in 10 primary areas affecting credit unions, including lending, mobile payments, big data and of course marketing/business development. The [...]

4 questions you aren’t asking about EMV

4 questions you aren’t asking about EMV

by. Michelle Thornton It’s hard to have all the answers about EMV. In fact, sometimes it’s even hard to pose all the right questions. If you haven’t asked the following questions yet – [...]

Social media for credit unions

Social media for credit unions

It seems like everyone is talking about social media these days, and for good reason; if you are not involved with social media marketing you are missing a significant opportunity. Some 800 million consumers spend [...]

Data analytics reveal what consumers really want

Data analytics reveal what consumers really want

by. Brandon Bogler The majority of consumers are aware that online retailers monitor their shopping habits, and many of them embrace the practice. That is, as long as they believe it enriches their shopping experience. [...]

Is auto lending the new subprime?

by. Henry Meier That’s the question posed by the New York Times in an article yesterday in which it seeks to sound the alarm:  in a nutshell it argues that, just like the mortgage [...]

Three reasons your members choose your credit union

Three reasons your members choose your credit union

by. Larry Meador Attracting the attention of potential new members can be one of the most challenging aspects of a credit union marketing department. However, knowing what your potential members are looking may be the [...]

Why write a letter to yourself?

Why write a letter to yourself?

Have you ever written a letter to yourself? If you’ve never done it, it might seem like a silly thing to do. But those of us who have done it have a different perspective. [...]