News Archives

What does success look like?

What does success look like?

As the name of my company suggests, we exist to help credit unions succeed. Consequently, when I meet with a prospective client one of the first questions I like to ask is “What does success [...]

Credit union seminars schooling members during the summer

Credit union seminars schooling members during the summer

by. Cyndi Cohen Summer is definitely a time for rest and relaxation, a time to take a break from the hub-bub of the daily routine. Credit unions are totally on board with this sentiment, even [...]

Can you build a killer card?

Can you build a killer card?

by. Bill Prichard Credit is back. The Fed’s most recent figures show consumer credit increasing by $19.6 billion in May – including $1.8 billion in revolving credit. Credit card growth spells opportunity for [...]

5 steps to minimize your cyber-liability

by. Henry Meier I’m here to tell you this morning that you will be breached and if you have been already, you will be again.  Cybercriminals are chameleons and they have the money to [...]

Credit union boards love social media

Credit union boards love social media

Recently I was asked to present on several social media topics during the CU Conferences Social Media Conference in Seattle. When I learned that the attendee list included a large number of credit union board [...]

Pull that trigger

Pull that trigger

by. Anthony Demangone The problem with decisions is knowing when to pull the trigger. We live in a world where there's always another article to read. Another chart to decipher. Another piece of data to [...]

The Batman of Compliance

The Batman of Compliance

by. Dennis Agle We’re often asked whether the AffirmX Risk Intel Center Platform displaces compliance officers. To answer this question, I like to think about Batman and his gadgets. Bruce Wayne, although a very [...]

Building partnerships in education

Building partnerships in education

by. Fatemeh Fakhraie Everyone wants high school students to succeed in school, to graduate with distinction, and to contribute to the community’s success. Families, schools, businesses, and community organizations all contribute to student achievement. [...]

Half Way Point: Budget check up

by. Amaia Kirtland Every now and then, it’s important to take some time and evaluate your budget to make sure that you’re getting the most out of your financial planning. You might find [...]

In what order do you process your checks?

by. Henry Meier There are some issues that are hanging over the industry like a sword of Damocles.  This morning an article in the Wall Street Journal provides further evidence for those who feel that [...]