News Archives

Use big data to create ‘360-degree’ view of consumer

by. Brandon Bogler There’s no doubt data analytics can be helpful to financial institutions (FIs) in a number of ways. These include identifying the profitability of specific customer segments, isolating consumer behavior trends, developing [...]

Share a coke with…

Share a coke with…

The “Share A Coke” program made a return this summer, but this time with a huge focus on mobile and social media, all based on consumer engagement from the campaign last summer. Share a Coke [...]

Congratulations to our 2014 Innovation Award Winners!

Congratulations to our 2014 Innovation Award Winners!

We all feel the strain of keeping up with the changing times.  Many credit union CEOs agree that attracting and retaining members is one of the top three challenges that credit unions face. In order [...]

A low interest education

by. Amaia Kirtland We all know that going to college is expensive. And it becomes ever more difficult if you aren’t “just” going to college (maybe you also have a full-time job, or a [...]

Digging deeper into your credit union business impact analysis

by. Michele Dowls Your credit union Business Impact Analysis (BIA)  has been completed and you’re doing a review to make certain everything has been captured. Looks like all of the details from every department [...]

Managing vs. leading

I ran across an infographic recently that charted out the differences between managing and leading. Some key differences between managers and leaders listed include: Managers: - count value; - maintain; - focus on systems and [...]

Be audit ready: Three ways ECM supports I-9 compliance

Be audit ready: Three ways ECM supports I-9 compliance

by. Katie Alberti Employee audits by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) continue to rise. According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), there’s been a drastic increase in I-9 audits, [...]

How to overcome writer’s block in one simple step

How to overcome writer’s block in one simple step

You need to write something and the words just aren’t flowing, or you re-write the same sentence over and over but it still doesn’t sound right.  You’re blocked. I’ve heard the [...]

Seasonal spending data can help issuers design promotions

A recent spending report showed a dollar volume growth of 4.2 percent in May. Retail spending saw a 1.7-percent increase, a slight bump from 1.3 percent the previous month. Importantly for issuers, [...]