News Archives

Drowning in debt? Contact your local credit union

by. Amaia Kirtland More than a third of the U.S. is having trouble paying debt on time. Thirty-five percent of Americans have debt in collections–a bill overdue by 180 days–according to a [...]

Why we love NYIB

Why we love NYIB

by. Brady Sahnow I had the pleasure of speaking at the National Youth Involvement Board’s Annual Conference last week in Grand Rapids, Michigan. brass has been a regular at the NYIB conference; it remains [...]

The virtual spy next door

The virtual spy next door

by. Henry Meier Keeping in mind that you have an obligation to monitor potential red flags of identity theft and mitigate evolving risks, here is some news worth reaching out to your IT vendor about. [...]

I’m busy

I’m busy

Years ago, I was at a Credit Union networking event sitting at a table with a few people. One of our group had a few adult beverages as sometimes happens at networking events. No harm [...]

Why credit unions need content marketing

Why credit unions need content marketing

by. Larry Meador Many credit union marketers have started prioritizing more content-based strategies like social media and blogging within their marketing plan. In fact, the Content Marketing Institute reports that 58 percent of businesses are [...]

R&D…not just for tech firms

R&D…not just for tech firms

When you hear R&D (Research and Development), what comes to mind? Lab coats? Wind tunnels? Endless lines of code? Ask an engineer with one of many technology firms, and they’ll often give [...]

Four actions credit union execs must take

Four actions credit union execs must take

There are many things credit union and banking executives must do. But are they the right things? Our plates are so full. We tend to run from crisis to crisis or project to project. That [...]

A perspective from the head table

A perspective from the head table

It is an interesting perspective to view a room full of people seated behind an elevated table. From that location you can see everyone’s face and their immediate reaction to comments, questions and responses. [...]