News Archives

How helping people helps the credit union

I love to find ways to connect my personal and professional life. At the end of the day, I want to inspire kindness. I’m also very passionate about credit union principles and philosophy. I [...]

Where is the line compliance officers must not cross?

Where is the line compliance officers must not cross?

by. Henry Meier Monday, New York State’s Department of Financial Services (DFS) announced that it was banning Price-Waterhouse-Cooper from providing financial consulting services to financial institutions for two years and imposing a $25 million [...]

Lenticular Images: Two views of credit unions

Lenticular Images: Two views of credit unions

by. William Azaroff Remember when you were a kid, you'd open your box of Cracker Jacks and hope for a cool prize, and were a little disappointed when instead you found a little photo tucked [...]

First person success stories

Four CEOs reflect on the winning formulas that helped them attain their goals. by. Catherine Siskos No job is more closely linked to credit union performance than that of CEO, which is why these leaders [...]

The future of the little credit union

The future of the little credit union

Oh no, I’m not telling you what that may be. I have no idea. The purpose of this post was to solicit input from all of you in the know! Select an industry at [...]

Strategic Challenge 2015: What will you stop doing?

Think back to the last adult conversation you had. I’m guessing it went something like this: “Hi there. How are you?” “I’m well. You?” “I’m doing well. But so busy. I had [...]

Brands need action

During CUNA’s Marketing Management School’s Year Two course, Matt Purvis, president of Purvis Management, lead a session about brand management. As Purvis noted, “With branding, action is the key.” Purvis defined branding as “[...]

Gen Y says ‘no thanks’ to digital-only checking accounts

by. Rob Rubin In a recent BankChoice Monitor survey, only 24% of Gen Y consumers currently shopping for checking accounts are comfortable with an account that requires they only use electronic channels like mobile banking [...]