News Archives

Experiential Marketing: Beyond the survey

Isn’t marketing about colors, and paper, and design? Perhaps. But it has to be much more than that now. That’s why your organization’s marketing executives and employees need to be smarter, innovative, [...]

When good is bad

When good is bad

The latest home price numbers (through May, according to S&P/Case-Shiller) looked pretty solid: the benchmark 20-City Composite measure was up 9.3% year-over-year (YOY).  All 20 markets posted gains on an unadjusted [...]

Branch transformation: The data behind the trend

Branch transformation: The data behind the trend

With traditional transactions continuing to move toward mobile and online banking, financial institutions are considering how the branch fits into their distribution strategy. While the dust seems to have settled around financial institution closures caused [...]

A member advisory board with a difference

Relationship. Communication. Trust. Understanding. Hold up…are we on the same page? I am not talking about a marriage here, folks. These are things that most credit unions want with their members, and what most [...]

Millennials help make 100 million memberships a reality

by. Amaia Kirtland Stressed by economic doldrums and callous bank policies, young adults may be finding safe harbor in credit union membership, according to an Aug. 18 report by Chris Chmura, WOFL-TV, in Tampa Bay, [...]

CUNA Mutual Group recognized as CIO 100 Award Winner for the ZONE

CUNA Mutual Group recognized as CIO 100 Award Winner for the ZONE

International Data Group's CIO magazine named CUNA Mutual Group among its 2014 CIO 100 award recipients. The 27th annual awards program was held Tuesday evening, Aug. 19, and recognizes organizations worldwide that exemplify the highest [...]

A top 10 of credit union benefits from millennials

A top 10 of credit union benefits from millennials

by. Bill Prichard A key feature of the “Empowering People. Amplifying Dreams” campaign website is the “People Like Us” section. Here, Millennials tell their peers about the benefits of credit union membership based on their [...]

Three signs your credit union is a creepy cult

The Manson Family. Jim Jones and Jonestown. Branch Davidians. However you slice it, cults are creepy. They lure people by offering false promises, a family-like feeling and insulation from the outside world. Cults are typically [...]

Training spurs technology adoption

by. Alan Jackson Without question, technology can enable banks to do more – better, faster and more affordably. That’s only true, however, if employees embrace the technology and maximize its capabilities. If you spend millions [...]

You get what you pay for

You get what you pay for

The process for selecting a partner to plan, design and construct your main office or operations center facility can be a daunting task indeed, as this most likely will be the largest facility investment that [...]

The other “M” is also attractive

The other “M” is also attractive

There is another market you should be paying close attention to, but many of you are not even addressing it. Nope, it’s not the Millennials. It’s the Mass Affluents. Nielsen defines this group [...]

Large retailers could jump-start merchant EMV acceptance

Large retailers could jump-start merchant EMV acceptance

by. Brandon Kuehl With the October 2015 EMV liability shift quickly approaching, three of the nation’s biggest retailers, Walmart, Kroger and Target, are busily pushing ahead with their own EMV upgrades. Walmart started updating [...]

A key leadership myth debunked

A key leadership myth debunked

Inaugural summer CEO Institute I attendees hear from an ethics expert. by. Lisa Hochgraf Ever hear how leadership only exists at the top? Keith T. Darcy illustrated how life taught him this was only a [...]