News Archives

Prepaid changes signal provider awareness of increased regulation

Prepaid changes signal provider awareness of increased regulation

by. Konrad Christensen Recently, there have been a number of announcements regarding issuer upgrades to their prepaid product offerings. It’s likely these changes are connected to an increase in regulation as agencies like the [...]

Business Continuity Planning – When does it end? Never!

by. Michele Dowis Your Business Continuity Plan is a long-term commitment, not a stand-alone project. BCPs are living documentation; you should never stop updating this information. Updates are needed immediately after creation. Over time information [...]

Time for a seat at the Fed table

Time for a seat at the Fed table

by. Greg Michlig I read with interest, the August 8th column by Kate Davidson of Politico titled “White House struggles to fill Fed small-bank spot”. The basis of the piece is that after Sarah Bloom, [...]

No silver bullet for data protection

by. Henry Meier On Friday, the Department of Homeland Security issued an advisory urging organizations, “regardless of size,” to “proactively check” for possible infection of their point of sale technology by a data theft virus [...]

8 good reasons to give your ATMs a remote

8 good reasons to give your ATMs a remote

Operational news flash: Easier is better. As credit unions work furiously to provide more and better convenience technology to their members, they might pause to consider whether available technology might make their own lives easier [...]

Your members aren’t leaving…yet

Your members aren’t leaving…yet

Mobile payments have been in the news a lot lately.  If you’re a paranoid sort of person, credit unions need to add mobile payments to their mobile banking application in a hurry or risk [...]

Leadership lessons from fantasy football

Leadership lessons from fantasy football

While I personally don’t participate in fantasy football, much of my staff does, so I know of the strategies that take place on draft day and the spirited comradery that happens week after week [...]

The funny thing about risk

The funny thing about risk

by. Anthony Demangone Risk is a funny fellow. He's hard to nail down. And just when you think you've spotted him, he ducks down and reappears elsewhere. I'm sure many of you have seen the [...]

Overcoming orthodoxy to serve new market segments

Overcoming orthodoxy to serve new market segments

Questions to help you look for new niches. by. Lisa Hochgraf Traditional hotels have a window of time every day that’s “no new customers allowed.” Most hotels ask guests to check out in the [...]

What I learned at the National Credit Union Foundation

What I learned at the National Credit Union Foundation

by. Laura Janisch, NCUF Communications Intern At the beginning of the summer, they told me my internship would be more than just “coffee and copies”—and they weren’t kidding. I learned more than I [...]