News Archives

Why your credit union membership stopped growing

Why your credit union membership stopped growing

by. Larry Meador The consistent growth of a credit union’s membership is vital to the organization’s success. If you’re noticing a slump in new members, evaluate your credit union’s marketing strategies [...]

Why we all need to know more about mortgages

by. Henry Meier The SEC was literally asleep at the switch during the early days of the mortgage meltdown. Although it has made some marked improvements in its oversight of the financial industry, its glacial [...]

Amplify your impact with Miracle Match

Amplify your impact with Miracle Match

Looking to have an impact with your charitable efforts? CO-OP Financial Services is supporting Shop for Miracles, a one-day charitable program to raise funds for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, taking place on October 16, [...]

Nine is mighty fine

It’s that time of the year when the quarterly mortgage data is released by the Mortgage Bankers Association and Callahan & Associates. And the data is mighty nine because for the first time ever, [...]

Shared strategic success

Shared strategic success

It’s strategic planning season for many credit unions – a time for fresh ideas about your future. Why not add a new variation to this year’s planning session by combining these considerations into your [...]

High performing boards

by. Anthony Demangone Many board members, regardless of industry, view themselves as moderately effective, at best. But some board members see themselves as highly effective. Wouldn't it be nice to see how those highly-effective boards [...]

Don’t promote failure; promote ‘experiments’

Don’t promote failure; promote ‘experiments’

A shift in language is really a shift in thinking. by. Lisa Hochgraf Kathy Pearson, Ph.D., told attendees of CEO Institute I: Strategic Planning last week in Philadelphia that senior leaders often describe to [...]

Is what’s good for GM good for your members?

by. Henry Meier Janet Yellen gets it even if the markets don’t.  How much richer do you feel today with the news that the SAP 500 Index reached record highs yesterday? The ostensible reason [...]

Credit unions: Is one right for you?

Credit unions: Is one right for you?

by. Allison Ross Credit union membership topped 100 million in June, the Credit Union National Association announced this month. It was a highly touted milestone for the member-owned banking institutions, which are often smaller and [...]