News Archives

StubHub the latest victim of cyber thieves

by. Nicole Reyes Earlier this summer, I posted about hackers going after more than just payment data with their intrusions.  The recent news of StubHub’s run-in with cyber thieves is a perfect example of [...]

Assisting with the new car call

Assisting with the new car call

Use these 5 questions to help your members decide if they should keep their current vehicles. by. Tom Kazar This week a friend of mine took his car into the shop and was told that [...]

Using our CUSO to support member needs

Sitting across the desk from our CEO, all I remember hearing was, “Andy, you are the new Vice President of the CUSO. You need to spend all day, every day making sure our CUSO makes [...]

Five ideas to boost cross-sales

Five ideas to boost cross-sales

Cross-sales. While rarely anybody’s favorite thing to talk about (with the exception of maybe sales trainers) cross-sales are an increasingly vital part of the revenue mix for banks and credit unions. Deepening relationships and [...]

Are CFPB’s performance reviews “acceptable?”

by. Henry Meier Yesterday, the CFPB, which prides itself on being a statistics-driven, cutting edge agency of the 21st Century, announced a new rating system for its employees which deemphasizes statistics.  For several months now, [...]

Know your competitors

Know your competitors

A few days ago, our office received an oversized postcard. It was advertising member retention and on-boarding through a tried-and-true methodology. Funny, since we offer something similar to our clients. My memory might escape me, [...]

Create brand lovers out of your employees

Create brand lovers out of your employees

A recent study found that more and more brands are encouraging employees to become engaged with their brand on social media. And the results are substantial. According to "Employees Rising: Seizing the Opportunity in Employee [...]

Tune up or overhaul

Tune up or overhaul

We’re unabashed mortgage nerds. Our teams and our clients hear us say it all the time. We’ve been passionate about residential mortgage lending since the beginning. It’s a fascinating, ever-evolving, constantly challenging [...]

How Hispanics pay today (and will tomorrow)

How Hispanics pay today (and will tomorrow)

This strategic planning season, two very hot-topic opportunities are expected to be on the minds of credit union leaders: payments and the Hispanic consumer. Today’s payments landscape – rife with traditional and new competitors, fresh [...]

Who will take your credit union to the next level?

In today’s world of constant, fast-paced change, it’s becoming increasingly harder to keep up.  With a large number of the baby-boomers preparing to retire, what is your credit union doing to prepare the [...]

Near-field communication well matched to host card emulation

Near-field communication well matched to host card emulation

by. Brian Day In my last blog, I excerpted the recently released white paper “The Mobile Payments Ignition Point.” The paper details the dramatic impact Host Card Emulation (HCE) technology is expected to have on [...]