News Archives

Is it good for you? Or me?

by. Anthony Demangone A few weeks ago, I did an experiment. Instead of emailing you the entire blog post, I set my blog up to only email you a short segment. If you wanted to [...]

Change to grow, grow to live

How does a Credit Union truly “live”? We live through growth, growth inspired by change and change aligned with our Missions and Visions. Successfully completing a field of membership expansion, helping with the creation of [...]

Delivery of delight

Delivery of delight

By Sundeep Kapur “Branch transformation” is today’s big mantra for financial institutions and providing great experiences to members in branch locations is indeed one way credit unions can delight their members. Great member experiences [...]

Aligning credit union executive incentives with goals and member needs

by. David Frankil, President, Burns-Fazzi, Brock and Associates Dr. Jack Clark from Clark Research Associates presented the results of the 2014 NAFCU-BFB Executive Compensation and Benefits Survey at this summer’s NAFCU Annual Conference.  There [...]

Why purchasing life insurance should be an easy decision

by. Joan Cleveland Let's be honest. No one wants to have to use their insurance policy. Ever. If you're presented with a situation in which you must use it, that usually means that you've experienced [...]

Loans and assets up in Q2 2014

by. Keith Leggett NCUA reported that credit union loans and assets rose during the second quarter of 2014; but shares (deposits) fell. Federally insured credit unions’ total assets grew $47.3 billion, or 4.5 [...]

Time to hone those writing skills

Time to hone those writing skills

by. Dan Berger From daily emails and memos to the occasional speech or op-ed, most senior executives do some writing as part of their job. Your written messages – more than your verbal messages – help you [...]

Don’t worry about everything…just worry about today

Don’t worry about everything…just worry about today

by. Anthony Demangone "How did you approach it," I asked him. I was speaking with a colleague years ago who had been promoted to vice president. One of his new responsibilities included IT. He didn't [...]

Redefining success in a credit union sales culture

Credit Unions everywhere are looking to instill a sales culture while protecting the member service excellence that differentiates us as an industry. For credit unions looking for increased sales, I suggest developing comprehensive metrics that [...]