News Archives

Building trust and loyalty with young members

You have a speedometer in your car, but you speed anyways. Then you see the signs the police set up. The one that flashes your speed and has the big speed limit sign above it. [...]

Why are tabletop exercises important to my credit union DR/BCP?

Why are tabletop exercises important to my credit union DR/BCP?

The Importance of Tabletop Exercises by. Mark Komnik A tabletop exercise is an exercise designed to test the theoretical ability of a group to respond to a situation.  In a tabletop exercise, a hypothetical disaster [...]

Middle class squeeze

by. Henry Meier This is a huge day for the Meiers and millions of other families across the country.  My five year old daughter starts kindergarten today and my 11 year old begins 7th grade.  [...]

Did you hire a marketer to ignore?

Did you hire a marketer to ignore?

We like to write to a variety of different audiences on our blog. Today, our topic is written mainly for bank and credit union senior executives. The question is — did you hire a marketing expert [...]

Risky business – CFPB credit card promo warning

by. Jennifer Anderson This week the CFPB is warning against the deceptive marketing of interest-rate promotions to consumers. The Bureau is concerned that consumers are being lured to apply for and open a card/account [...]

What commands higher compensation?

What commands higher compensation?

Quick quiz question: According to this year’s CUES Executive Compensation Survey, which has the greatest positive impact on executive compensation? A)    asset size of the employing credit union B)   an executive’s years of [...]

I suck at speaking

I suck at speaking

That’s what I tell myself in moments leading up to any situation where I have to, ironically, take a stage and speak to a group of people. I remind myself that I’m a [...]

To swipe or not to swipe?

To swipe or not to swipe?

That is the question on my mind these days…. This spring, John Magill, Vice President of Government Affairs at CUNA, wrote a blog* about the expense and headache credit unions and their members have incurred [...]

Loans, loans, loans…

Loans, loans, loans…

by: Benjamin Teske I think that it’s safe to say that credit unions all over the world seek new and innovative ways to increase loan production, and although this is not the intent of [...]

Is that email really from your boss?

Is that email really from your boss?

by: Nicole Reyes Financial institution employees have long had their guards up when it comes to their email. With phishing scams and the added complexity of social engineering, malicious communication has become a real problem. [...]

Three things to ponder as you start your credit union day

by: Henry Meier Here are some things to ponder as you help your kids slip back into reality. The credit union industry had real, solid growth in the second quarter. I’ve tried to find [...]

It’s cheaper to keep a mortgage customer than get a new one

I spend a lot of time talking about going out and getting new business. Working with Realtors, courting first time home buyers, partnering with local housing non-profits, but I have not ever talked much about [...]

Tips to improve your budgeting and forecasting process

Tips to improve your budgeting and forecasting process

by. Alan Jackson Spreadsheets are a basic, essential tool in the financial world, right? Expecting a community banker to work without a spreadsheet would be like telling a home builder to construct a house without [...]