News Archives

Credit unions get payments foothold in Apple Pay

Credit unions should take note that credit card companies, issuers, and other industries are rallying around the tech giant’s long-awaited payments play. by. Marc Rapport Credit unions weren’t left out of the party [...]

Explain your product in 140 characters or less

Explain your product in 140 characters or less

Remember the good old days in marketing when you could write newsletters, brochures and flyers that were jam-packed with text? Line after line of glorious and boring text that rattled on and on about your [...]

College students and low-income designation

by. Keith Leggett Numerous studies show that lifetime earnings and level of educational attainment are positively correlated. However, there are some college and university credit unions, which have received a low-income designation from the National [...]

Five Thursday tidbits

by: Henry Meier Since I didn’t do a blog yesterday, I have too much to talk about today. So, with the caveat that you may see me expand on anyone of these subjects in [...]

Prescreening leads and staying compliant

Prescreening leads and staying compliant

by: Kesna Lawrence Gone are the days when marketing campaigns were carried out without researching the target audience in advance—the old-school “shotgun” approach. In this era of tight marketing budgets and specialized competition, targeted [...]

The non-traditional bank

The non-traditional bank

The credit unions have always been fighting “the good fight” for members. Providing a viable online and mobile solution has been the recent focus for most FI’s fighting to compete. These credit unions are [...]

Chief marketing officers expect to spend big on digital

Chief marketing officers expect to spend big on digital

by. Georgann Smith Global marketing executives expect digital and mobile technology to significantly transform their marketing budgets over the next five years. Specifically, more than one-third of chief marketing officers (CMOs) believe digital spending will [...]

Where has all the trust gone?

Where has all the trust gone?

Opportunity awaits for investment and retirement services programs. by: Gary A. Weuve, CLU, ChFC, RFC, CPRC, CFP Does it feel to you as if no one trusts anyone any longer? Building trusting relationships with prospective [...]

Cliffs notes for college payment strategies

by. Amaia Kirtland College students who borrow to attend college graduate with a debt load equivalent to a new-car purchase or a down payment on a house, averaging $25,000. Some borrowing might be inevitable, [...]

What the NFL the CFPB, and Regulation Z have in common

What the NFL the CFPB, and Regulation Z have in common

by: Henry Meier Every year the NFL gives its referees “points of emphasis”-violations of the rules that they want refs to impose more strictly with the hope of making the game better. For example, [...]

7 content marketing questions credit unions must answer

7 content marketing questions credit unions must answer

by: James Robert Lay During a recent phone call, I was asked how a bank’s marketing department could get their digital marketing budget increased. They were looking to use content marketing but were getting [...]