News Archives

Did Apple just become a big bank?

Did Apple just become a big bank?

Apple's move into mobile banking could bring the tech giant under the same federal regulations as financial institutions. By Kevin Cirilli and Julian Hattem At a product launch event this week, Apple CEO Tim Cook [...]

Get involved!

Get involved!

by. Dan Berger This week, hundreds of credit union representatives from around the nation have joined in Washington for NAFCU’s Congressional Caucus. This is an annual event where credit union leaders can hear directly [...]

Credit union helps elementary students save over $40k

Credit union helps elementary students save over $40k

by. Amaia Kirtland A Biz Kid$ Financial Education Grant from the National Credit Union Foundation (NCUF), helped Silver State Schools CU develop a program to teach elementary students the importance of saving.  At the end [...]

Courts split on legality of surcharge

by. Henry Meier As readers of this blog know, last Fall a federal district court in Manhattan ruled that New York’s law banning merchants from imposing surcharges on credit card purchases violated the First [...]

Rep. Maloney: overdraft fees should be reasonable and proportional

Rep. Maloney: overdraft fees should be reasonable and proportional

by. Keith Leggett Representative Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY) wrote Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Richard Cordray requesting he act immediately to curb abusive overdraft fees. She specifically urged Cordray to expand the opt-in rules to [...]

What’s in a name: Isis now Softcard

Isis is now Softcard after a name change to avoid association with a now-infamous militant group. But the digital wallet's challenges don't end there. by. Marc Rapport After taking the name of an early Egyptian [...]

The Cooperative Trust gains a big ally: CUNA

The Cooperative Trust gains a big ally: CUNA

by: Mike Lawson I am attending the highly entertaining and insightful CU Water Cooler Symposium in Austin, TX, this week and just happened to run into Mr. James Marshall of The Cooperative Trust. So I [...]

Don’t miss the open window

Don’t miss the open window

Credit Unions are not the “Big Banks,” which is a large part of their appeal. However, they compete against these Big Banks every day, for every customer and every deposit dollar. But then why are [...]

10 sometimes hidden benefits of NAFCU membership

by: Anthony Demangone There's nothing worse than hearing a member utter these terrible six words. I didn't know you did that! Well, we hear those words here at NAFCU sometimes as well. And it kills [...]

6 must-reads for credit unions

6 must-reads for credit unions

by. Ryan Zilker It’s all coming together. As we examine the topic of integration this month, here’s a look at how new technologies are pushing banking behaviors forward, and simultaneously converging to create [...]