News Archives

Five keys to a strong complaint management program

Five keys to a strong complaint management program

by: Rebecca Drebin Complaint management used to be so simple. Perhaps your institution looks back fondly on the days when complaints were usually over the phone about a billing issue. But in this day and [...]

Keeping your credit score safe after a data breach

by. Amaia Kirtland Worried about how the recent data breaches will affect your finances?  Follow these tips from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s  blog to keep your credit secure! Check your accounts for unauthorized [...]

How are credit unions using social media successfully?

How are credit unions using social media successfully?

The Financial Brand's Power 100 rankings provide marketers with a compass to see what financial institutions are doing to generate traction in social media channels. Let's take a look at some of the most successful [...]

Did Apple create a tokenization crisis?

Did Apple create a tokenization crisis?

by: Michelle Thornton Remember when you thought tokenization was a low priority for 2014? Chances are, that era ended on September 9. When Apple announced Apple Pay – a mobile payments app that uses near-field communication [...]

Getting to the bottom line of the project

Getting to the bottom line of the project

Momentum manages the complex process of gathering and translating a client’s thoughts, goals, and aspirations, aligning these elements with an organization’s core values and mission, and translating these ideas and concepts into a [...]

Power Couple: prepaid & mobile make formidable pair

Power Couple: prepaid & mobile make formidable pair

by: Konrad Christensen Prepaid options are playing a key role in the development of mobile wallets. Because prepaid is essentially the model behind a number of mobile payment solutions, it’s no doubt prepaid will [...]

Pros and cons of MPLS

Pros and cons of MPLS

by: Robin Remines Perhaps you are a Credit Union considering upgrading your telecom infrastructure – maybe you are looking for better performance, more bandwidth or more flexibility. This post provides you the pros and cons of [...]

1 in 5 rely on credit cards to maintain lifestyle

1 in 5 rely on credit cards to maintain lifestyle

by. Amaia Kirtland Take a look around.  1 in 5 can’t pay all their bills and make ends meet without access to a credit card, the National Foundation of Credit Counseling (NFCC) found in [...]

Why Apple Pay is a game changer

Why Apple Pay is a game changer

by: Henry Meier It’s been about a week now since Apple engaged in what’s become the adult version of Christmas Eve when it previewed its newest must-have gadgets.  You undoubtedly have heard by [...]

Ya gotta get prickly

Ya gotta get prickly

by: Rich Jones The biggest threat to a team or organization is complacency. The minute a team is okay with the status quo, all growth, innovation and improvement stops. One symptom of complacency is group [...]