News Archives

The magic of innovation? Your people

The magic of innovation? Your people

The first one to sign up for CUES’ inaugural Strategic Innovation Institute, held last week at MIT, I walked into class last Monday looking for an “innovation support group.” By the time the institute was [...]

Recognition: It’s the little things that matter

Recognition: It’s the little things that matter

by: Mark Hein Salespeople are just like everyone else; each of them have their own motivation. I guess that is why we're all made a little different. Otherwise, we would all be robots walking around [...]

Is integration really a need for speed?

Is integration really a need for speed?

When we talk about integration in financial services, we mean things like having consistent data and interfaces across channels, or systems that work together and not in parallel or at cross-purposes. We say that integration [...]

How to overcome the biggest credit union marketing issue

How to overcome the biggest credit union marketing issue

Over 30 percent of financial marketers report that marketing budgets and a lack of manpower behind their strategies are their biggest issues. There is a myth within the industry that “effective marketing” is expensive marketing. [...]

The strength of CUNA

The strength of CUNA

I’m excited and honored by the opportunity to join and lead the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) at this moment in the history of the credit union movement. Growing up in the Midwest and [...]

For want of a nail: Know your customers

For want of a nail: Know your customers

Various forms of the proverb date back as early as the 14th century. However, it was more firmly rooted in American culture when Benjamin Franklin included a version of the rhyme in his Poor Richard's [...]

Calibrate your leadership style with three questions

by: Jeffrey DeWolf Leadership positions at all levels exist to ensure results through the efforts of others. Leadership style and behaviors themselves, however, often create barriers to getting those results. One non-negotiable for effective leadership [...]

Will EMV cards be in every U.S. home this year?

Will EMV cards be in every U.S. home this year?

by: Brandon Kuehl I recently blogged about the increasing number of EMV payment cards in circulation. With EMVCo reporting there were in excess of 2 billion EMV cards in circulation worldwide at the end of [...]

How much bandwidth do I need for offsite data backups?

by: Robin Remines Deciding how much bandwidth is required for your offsite data backups requires a review of your Recovery Point Objective (RPO), how often you want to send data offsite, and how much of [...]

Becoming an exemplary leader: a lifelong adventure

by: Deedee Myers Adventure is part of my life. I can honestly say that every day uncovers unexpected adventure. Being a mother of a large family, a CEO of a leadership consulting organization, and just [...]

Why the CFPB matters even if it isn’t your regulatory agency

Why the CFPB matters even if it isn’t your regulatory agency

by: Dennis Agle Hard to imagine now, but a mere handful of years ago, the abbreviation “CFPB” was perhaps best known for standing for the Center for People and Buildings, a non-profit group operating out [...]

Will tokenization eat EMV’s lunch?

Will tokenization eat EMV’s lunch?

by: Michelle Thornton With so much news about tokenization this week, it’s easy to forget about that other security issue we’ve been debating about this year: EMV. In many ways, EMV is tokenization’[...]

4 Strategies to engage millennials

4 Strategies to engage millennials

A recent report released by Scratch identified the Financial Sector as “the industry most likely to experience severe disruption in it business model.” The study reveals that 53% of Millennials don’t think their bank [...]