News Archives

Guidance from (very) recent history

Guidance from (very) recent history

George Santayana in The Life of Reason offered this observation, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Everyone’s heard a variation on Santayana’s observation. The lessons of history have [...]

The three “Hs” of a strong brand

The three “Hs” of a strong brand

As I mentioned in a previous post, one of the best branding books I’ve read recently is What Great Bands Do by Denise Yohn. An amazing quote in the book that hit me was: “[...]

Why social media for credit unions isn’t working

Why social media for credit unions isn’t working

A free 32-page white paper looks at research and recommendations on how credit unions are using social media today, what's working, and what isn't. According to a survey fielded by Third Degree Advertising, 41% of [...]

When does a bank aid terrorism?

by: Henry Meier That is the question at center stage this morning in the Banking legal world thanks to two decisions in New York Federal Court yesterday. First a Brooklyn jury found the Arab Bank [...]

New Customer Due Diligence requirements may be in place soon

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network published new proposed rules under the Bank Secrecy Act on Aug. 4. The new rules are a continuation of the current Customer Due Diligence requirements all financial institutions need to [...]

Five keys to a great remittance program

by: AnnaPeña With intense growth of the Hispanic market across the country, more U.S. credit unions are looking to add money transfer programs, known as remittances, for Hispanic immigrants with family in Latin [...]

Trusting your gut

Trusting your gut

My mother used to say, "If you bring forth what is inside you, what you bring forth will save you." Many marketers believe that the head thinks, while the gut knows. Even when challenged by [...]

Distortions of success

by: Anthony Demangone When you see someone find success, it can be easy to attribute it to good fortune. Or perhaps a genetically-inspired skill set that made their success inevitable. That's why I like reading [...]

Why the CFPB matters even if it isn’t your regulatory agency

Why the CFPB matters even if it isn’t your regulatory agency

by: Dennis Agle Hard to imagine now, but a mere handful of years ago, the abbreviation “CFPB” was perhaps best known for standing for the Center for People and Buildings, a non-profit group operating out [...]