News Archives

Leader = problem solver

Leader = problem solver

by: Dan Berger Our roles as leaders often require us to solve problems and issues that arise at our organizations. Problems can be minor – such as depletion of the office coffee supply (well, here that [...]

Putting big data to work for your credit union

Putting big data to work for your credit union

by: Brandon Bogler Financial institutions (FIs) that properly leverage Big Data analytics can benefit in a range of ways. Analytics fuel the insights that are increasingly becoming essential to creating the deep relationships consumers have [...]

Handle electronic repo man with care

by: Henry Meier Let me start this morning’s blog by announcing that I am dedicating it to Derek Jeter and formally throwing my weight behind his beatification at the earliest possible opportunity.  However, let [...]

Better business strategy: low cost or low cost deposits?

by: Jeff Marsico Here is a question that dogs us: Should we follow a strategy that drives top quartile performance in operating expenses or cost of deposits? If your answer is “yes”, your execution better [...]

FinCEN to raise regulatory bar on due diligence

Coming compliance change would add new heft to “know your customer” rules for business, organizational accounts. by: Marc Rapport Thinking about 2015 yet? It’ll be here soon, along with new mortgage regs from the [...]

Communicate the credit union difference to consumers

Communicate the credit union difference to consumers

During the recent ACUMA annual conference, I listened to numerous conversations about successful mortgage lending in credit unions. In fact, conference topics include ARMs, underwriting, the CFPB and other regulators, secondary markets, the outlook on [...]

Responsive website pros and pitfalls

Responsive website pros and pitfalls

Craft yours to display well on any device. By Diane Knudson What devices do members use to view your website? laptops tablets smartphone all of the above The answer to the question probably depends on [...]

Talking in Memphis

Talking in Memphis

by: Anthony Demangone It is a bit before six a.m. in Memphis, Tennessee. I'm here in this beautiful city to do some strategic planning for a NAFCU member. I'm trying to simplify my message. [...]

Q&A: charged up over mobile security

Q&A: charged up over mobile security

by: Samantha Paxson Is this a good time to talk mobile security? After an eventful couple of weeks in the world of mobile payments, we caught up with Dr. Vaduvur Bharghavan, CEO of OnDot Systems, [...]

Millennials banking differently thanks to smartphones

The Millennial generation does everything with a snapshot – from clicking a picture for mobile or online purchases to doing their everyday banking. Financial institutions are responding by leveraging mobile camera functionality to simplify account opening, [...]

5 ways Walmart will impact your credit union

In July of 2005, Walmart filed an application to open an Industrial Loan Bank in Utah. The Utah bank regulator was flooded with 3,500 comment letters describing Walmart’s application as a sign of [...]

10 things marketers should say more often

10 things marketers should say more often

Marketers are wordy people. After all, that’s why we’re in marketing. There are many times marketers say too much. Yet all too often, marketers don’t say enough. But quantity is not the [...]