News Archives

Time to dust off your credit union Pandemic Plan?

Time to dust off your credit union Pandemic Plan?

by: Robin Remines Every year we are bombarded with notifications to get our annual flu shot. What used to be available only in the doctor’s office is now served up at your local Target [...]

Fair lending: creating a complete picture

Fair lending: creating a complete picture

by: Ken Agle When it comes to fair lending, many institutions leave the picture of their performance incomplete—they know their own numbers, but they fail to give these numbers context based on a comparison [...]

Retire ready with financial calculators

by: Amaia Kirtland Looking for some help on calculating your retirement needs?  Your local credit union is here for you!  Click here to use our Plan It: Retire Ready calculators and estimate what you will [...]

Do millennials scare you? They should.

Do millennials scare you? They should.

Why? Because they can live -- at least, they can bank -- without you. The smartphone has already revolutionized how we communicate and how we find and consume information. Now, it is upending traditional banking [...]

Big data and the credit union movement

by: Austin Wentzlaff The use of Big Data is becoming a crucial way for leading companies to outperform their peers. In most industries, established competitors and new entrants alike will leverage data-driven strategies to innovate, [...]