News Archives

Who to serve?

Who to serve?

Today, I got the opportunity to hear Steve Deggendorf, Fannie Mae’s Director of Economic & Strategic Research, present some of Fannie’s most recent market research. If you don’t pay attention to the [...]

3 ways to Sprig into action

3 ways to Sprig into action

by: Bill Prichard With so much activity happening in the payments space, chances are good that you’ve spent much of the last month or two thinking constantly about your members’ payment needs. But what [...]

Integrated campaigns for consumer-facing documents

Integrated campaigns for consumer-facing documents

Credit unions and other financial institutions send billions of boring notices, statements and acknowledgements each year. And every one of those represents a sunk-cost – an expense that has been incurred as a part of doing [...]

Vote for the credit union movement

Vote for the credit union movement

Earlier this year, heading into the CUNA Government Affairs Conference I urged members of the credit union movement to take up the mantle as responsible voters and push their representatives to act in a responsible [...]

Let’s CU Lunch Local!

Let’s CU Lunch Local!

by: Amaia Kirtland As a kickoff celebration for International Credit Union Day on October 16th, many local credit unions are supporting their community businesses by lunching local today.  Started in 2012, this cash mob of [...]

Myth #1: Marketing is easy

Myth #1: Marketing is easy

by: Kelley Parks Anyone in marketing has no doubt experienced the heavy handed Board member or well-intended CFO that wants to develop their inner-marketer.  “Why can’t we just buy TV ads?”  “There’s a [...]

Monitoring credit report remains key to fighting identity theft

Monitoring credit report remains key to fighting identity theft

by: Karen Postma A recent Iowa Credit Union League report found just 53 percent of Iowans regularly monitor their credit report for inaccuracies or suspicious activity. This is troubling findings, as a new identity theft [...]

Are credit union CEOs on the mark with marketing?

Are credit union CEOs on the mark with marketing?

by: Ron Shevlin Mark Arnold published a blog post recently titled What CEOs Want From Marketing in which he captured the thoughts of a number of credit union CEOs regarding what they’re looking for [...]