News Archives

Will mortgage regs drain credit unions’ will to lend?

Will mortgage regs drain credit unions’ will to lend?

Regulator moves give compliance pros a mixed view of what's happening and what's to come. by: Marc Rapport A couple recent articles in the trade news makes one mull whether the glass is half empty [...]

Today, it’s a different world

Today, it’s a different world

by: Robert L. Dawson In the past, it may have been enough to have a branch on the corner and a headquarters building downtown. Services delivered by your physical network of branches got the job [...]

Activity-based marketing meets consumers where they are

Activity-based marketing meets consumers where they are

by: Georgann Smith With the growing ubiquity of the smartphone, it’s no surprise consumers are spending more time banking, browsing and buying on their mobile devices. In fact, late last year, mobile banking log-ins [...]

Consumer compliance risks in social media

Consumer compliance risks in social media

A hot topic is social media, but it has its risks, especially potential consumer compliance risks. Recently, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), which includes NCUA, released new guidelines to help financial institutions, “understand [...]

Part two: Three brands suffering from identity crises

Part two: Three brands suffering from identity crises

Earlier this week we began a three-part series looking at brands facing identity crises and what banks and credit unions can learn from them. Today the series continues with a look at RadioShack. Specific brand [...]

How will technology change the credit union experience?

How will technology change the credit union experience?

As consumers continue to demand easier, simpler and faster ways to interact with their financial institutions, credit unions are looking to meet those needs in increasingly unique ways. This past year has brought a huge [...]

If you disappeared tomorrow, would your community re-create you?

If you disappeared tomorrow, would your community re-create you?

The institutions highlighted this week on work the cooperative network to turn the role of financial services provider into integral community partner. by: Rebecca Wessler Wright-Patt Credit Union CEO Doug Fecher has a [...]

You shouldn’t be a CUDE

You shouldn’t be a CUDE

The feeling started with the flags. They’re hanging all around the training room, shimmering rectangles of silk, some bold, some restrained, all of them mute sentinels covering every square inch of the walls, impossible [...]