News Archives

Know your true member cycles for cash

Know your true member cycles for cash

by: David Austin A key component of providing excellent customer service is a credit union’s ability to always meet its members’ cash needs. Most credit union executives acknowledge that there are recurring patterns throughout [...]

Is your credit union ready for big data & analytics?

Is your credit union ready for big data & analytics?

by: Paul Ablack I recently attended a seminar at which John Best, CEO of Best Innovation Group, presented on the topic of mobile technology and payments. A key takeaway from the presentation was his explanation [...]

3 credit union web design elements that drive new membership

3 credit union web design elements that drive new membership

You’ve heard it stated time and time again – first impressions are everything. Studies show that 90% of a consumer’s first impression of a brand is based on visual elements, and in the digital [...]

The science of stories for credit unions

The science of stories for credit unions

by: James Robert Lay The smell of burning wood drifts through the cool air as you gather around the campfire with your closest friends. Biting into a moist s'more composed of the sweet symphony of [...]

Interest rate risk

Interest rate risk

The NCUA is hyper-focused on interest rate risk (IRR). They go so far as to include an “Interest Rate Risk Resources” button on their main webpage that includes, among other items, a video featuring NCUA [...]

The extra step

The extra step

On November 11th, Veteran’s Day, we are reminded of the sacrifices so many men and women of our armed forces made so that we may live and enjoy the freedoms we do in what [...]

How do you want to pay for that?

How do you want to pay for that?

This is the second installment of a series of articles on the Future of Banking...What it's Not! You can read the first installment by clicking here... by: Tommy Loo Apple Pay. How will this [...]

Part three: Three brands suffering from identity crises

Part three: Three brands suffering from identity crises

Specific brand amnesia: Forgetting about the competition Patient: Barnes & Noble I have to add a bit of a disclaimer here: I'm a book nerd. Always have been, always will be. I love to visit [...]

Growing younger, not older

Growing younger, not older spotlights strategies to attract younger members. Even better, other potential members will also find them pretty neat. by: Rebecca Wessler Millennials and credit unions were a hot topic of conversation last week. CU [...]

Could you implement a cybersecurity program?

Could you implement a cybersecurity program?

by: Henry Meier The state’s financial regulator has signaled two areas that will be getting special scrutiny to prevent cyber breaches like the one that compromised information involving 76 million JP Morgan Chase customers. [...]