News Archives

When it comes to prepaid cards, if you can beat em join em

by: Henry Meier That is my most important takeaway from the FDIC’s biannual survey of unbanked and under-banked households that was released yesterday. If you are interested in getting these potential members into your [...]

Gaining brand awareness

Gaining brand awareness

by: Mark Arnold Financial marketers love to talk about brands and branding. And for good reason — they spend enormous amounts of time, money, and energy crafting and executing the brands they represent. However, after all [...]

How technology will continue to shape CU design

How technology will continue to shape CU design

It’s one thing to design a branch to meet the needs of today’s consumer. It’s another to anticipate how brick-and-mortar facilities will be used in five, 10, or 25 years. To forecast [...]

Using analytics to improve self-service

Using analytics to improve self-service

by: Alex Johnson Financial institutions (FIs) are keenly aware that customer interactions through self-service channels such as ATMs, online, and mobile cost less than person-to-person interactions in the branch or call center. Applying analytic models [...]

Youth outreach helps with securing social identity

Youth outreach helps with securing social identity

by: Laura Bruck, VP of Marketing at EZ Shield Fraud Protection With the pervasive presence and engaging nature of social media, it wouldn’t come as a surprise if your organization has implemented social media [...]

Paralyzed by perfect

Paralyzed by perfect

by: Joe Winn Recent posts have approached the idea of “getting things done” from a variety of angles.  Progress with Tedium analyzed how a detailed strategy, then following those plans to the letter, might make [...]

What should you do about Ebola?

What should you do about Ebola?

by: Henry Meier My friend Chris Pajak, who handles the HR consulting for the Association, has had the good fortune to work across from my office for the last several years, but the honor has [...]

All for one, one for all

All for one, one for all

At this point the fact that the credit union industry is consolidating at a rapid rate is common knowledge. In recent years the attrition rate has been roughly five to six credit unions a week [...]

Communicating our credit union mojo

Communicating our credit union mojo

Financial service providers compete on price, convenience and trust. The problem for credit unions is that the Internet has enabled members to access financial services that are often more competitive and convenient than services credit [...]

Compare your ‘leadership brand’ to your CU’s culture

Compare your ‘leadership brand’ to your CU’s culture

Is it congruent or running counter to culture? by: Lisa Hochgraf A corporate brand is the three or four words people consistently think of when they think of that company. A public figure’s brand [...]