News Archives

CUNA Lending Council Crashers lay down some straight talk

CUNA Lending Council Crashers lay down some straight talk

We caught up with a couple of CUNA Lending Council Crashers for some straight talk about what drives their generation to chose one financial institution over another.We asked... What are financial institutions missing that [...]

The day after

by: Henry Meier The biggest news from last night’s elections for New York credit unions isn’t the Republican takeover of the U.S. Senate.  Rather, it is the fact that Senate Republicans appear [...]

Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil

Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil

by: Keith Leggett Bank regulators -- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Federal Reserve, and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency - are aggressively pursuing banks for violations of the National Flood Insurance Act. However, I [...]

Make your credit cards more usable

Make your credit cards more usable

by: Jennifer Kerry You read a lot these days about new, novel payment methods. But really, it’s hard to beat credit cards at their own game: Credit cards are accepted nearly everywhere. Credit helps [...]

Onsite: CUES CETNET conference: Do great work

Onsite: CUES CETNET conference: Do great work

The CUES CEO/Executive Team Network Conference (CETNET), kept the ball rolling this morning and really got the crowd moving, talking and thinking. Michael Stanier kicked off the day with a truly engaging speech and [...]

A dirty word

A dirty word

In addition to Democrats and Republicans, Americans have the choice to align themselves with a wide variety of established parties. There is a huge list of political parties in the U.S. including everything from [...]

Trends of the mobile member

Trends of the mobile member

Targeting the mobile member What is Mobile? It was less than two decades ago that being “mobile” meant you could move around easily. Today, the term takes on a whole new meaning. Mobile devices such [...]

Perfect your pitch

Perfect your pitch

Tweak small things to get your message across more effectively. By Lisa Hochgraf G. Richard Shell told attendees of the first-ever summer CEO Institute I: Strategic Planning that they could “exercise conscious controls” to make [...]

Feedback and the off button

Feedback and the off button

by: Anthony Demangone We all want to get better. Maybe it is becoming a better husband, tennis player, boss, or employee. But all of us are trying to improve something. But many of us can [...]

2014 holiday season is omni-channel!

2014 holiday season is omni-channel!

by: Brian Abner Omni-channel is the buzz within the financial sector.  Is it possible to learn more about consumer sentiment and desires from other sources such as the retail sector?  Of course you can!  So [...]

Budgeting for credit union big data/analytics

Budgeting for credit union big data/analytics

by: Peter Keers ‘Tis the budgeting season and credit unions aiming to kick off a 2015 Big Data and Analytics (BD/A) initiative are all asking the same question: “How much does it cost?” Finding [...]

Are you asking questions about cyber security?

Are you asking questions about cyber security?

by: Henry Meier The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), which reflects the combined wisdom of all the financial regulators including the NCUA, released a “statement” yesterday in which it strongly recommended that financial institutions [...]

Shake up the credit union marketing mix

Shake up the credit union marketing mix

When it comes to banking, the first thought in most people’s mind is ‘Bank.’ An obvious statement to some but to credit unions, this is a dirty word – and a pretty big problem. The [...]