News Archives

Thank you, Veterans!

Thank you, Veterans!

It was called “The Great War” back when the world was innocent enough to think it was the war to end all wars. Then after Germany invaded Poland in 1939, the Great War became World [...]

How to choose the right free checking account

How to choose the right free checking account

by: Gina Ragusa By now the term “free checking” has become an oxymoron in the American consumers’ vocabulary. America’s addiction to free checking has become almost as needy as our dependency on foreign oil, [...]

Popularity of fraud text alerts increases amid data breaches

Popularity of fraud text alerts increases amid data breaches

by: Nicole Reyes Fraud text alerts are among those tools assisting consumers and financial institutions (FIs) in the identification of fraud and in the reduction of the unnecessary inconvenience generated by false positives. Triggered by [...]

What is marketing?

What is marketing?

by: Bo McDonald “Marketing” can be a pretty broad term. Try defining the word. I asked the chief executive of a mid-size credit union at the recent CUES CEO Network in Florida to do that. [...]

Military credit unions cast watchful eye on DoD Lending Rule

Military credit unions cast watchful eye on DoD Lending Rule

by: Marc Rapport Credit unions and the military have a long shared history, and financial institutions based on bases are paying particular attention to proposed new rules some worry could limit how they extend credit [...]

Once again, NCUA fails to disclose enforcement order

Once again, NCUA fails to disclose enforcement order

by: Keith Leggett During the closed National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) Board meeting on October 23, the NCUA Board considered an administrative enforcement action under Section 206 of the Federal Credit Union Act. The agency [...]

Brand continuity is the key!

Brand continuity is the key!

In a properly deployed Omni-Channel delivery network the experience, from the client perspective, is seamless. Often, when the client does come into the physical branch, they do so already knowing a great deal about what [...]

Build a culture of communication

Build a culture of communication

by: Dan Berger Establishing a culture of open communication throughout a workplace can be a tricky endeavor. When you’re the boss, it can be difficult to get colleagues to be open and honest with [...]

Front-line experts

by: Anthony Demangone You've been at your "work bench" for years, perhaps decades. You've accumulated a mountain of expertise surrounding your organization. Your products. Your services. But you're not out with the members anymore. You [...]

When it comes to CUSO regulation, can’t we all just get along?

When it comes to CUSO regulation, can’t we all just get along?

by: Henry Meier A day after the CU Times reported that NACUSO issued a call-to-arms urging credit unions to help fund regulatory and potential legal actions designed to protect CUSOs against regulatory encroachments by the [...]