News Archives

What issuers can do now to address rising CNP fraud

What issuers can do now to address rising CNP fraud

by: Nicole Reyes Tokenization will make a significant dent in the country’s rising card-not-present (CNP) fraud problem. Nearly everyone is in agreement on that. Yet, the solution will take some time as all parties [...]

Why the challenge to Obamacare matters to you?

Why the challenge to Obamacare matters to you?

by: Henry Meier Last Friday, the Supreme Court granted an appeal in the case of King v. Burwell.  This move has gotten a lot of attention because if the Court rules against the Administration, Obamacare [...]

Credit Unions jumping into wealth management

by: Keith Leggett The Silicon Valley Business Journal reported on local credit unions entering into the wealth management business. Diana Dykstra, president and CEO of the California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues, stated that she [...]

Stalking a comet

Stalking a comet

by: Joe Winn, Credit Union Geek Update: This post relates to the comet flyby in October of Siding Spring past Mars.  Earlier today, the Philae lander flying on Rosetta (a European Space Agency mission) made [...]

2015 credit union challenges

2015 credit union challenges

by: Anthony Demangone I need your help. In February of this year, I conducted a survey and shared the results regarding the challenges facing you and your credit union in 2014. I shared the results [...]

How smart is your credit union branch?

How smart is your credit union branch?

by: Henry Meier Any vendor that can make itself relevant to the financial services industry since 1859 is worth paying attention to because it clearly knows how to change with the times.  That’s why [...]

How strong is your corporate culture?

How strong is your corporate culture?

by: Mickie Lara Over the past several years, you’ve probably heard (or read) about certain companies that have amazing cultures. Like Google, where employees are treated to gourmet meals and a variety of other [...]