News Archives

Supreme Court to rule on stripping

Supreme Court to rule on stripping

by: Henry Meier Good morning, if this headline got your attention, get your mind out of the gutter.  Think in bankruptcy parlance.  A “strip off” occurs when a court cancels a lien that is wholly [...]

Generation “They’re so different from us!”

Generation “They’re so different from us!”

Which generation do you think I’m referencing? Millenials? Gen Y? (which seems to have been absorbed into the former, sadly) Baby Boomers? All of them. It doesn’t matter how old you are; if [...]

Is your credit union stupid enough to surf a dead whale?

Is your credit union stupid enough to surf a dead whale?

by: Mark Arnold Jumping into what must be considered the lead for “Most Incredibly Stupid Thing Ever Done by an Australian” is 26-year-old Harrison Williams. A few days ago while on a boating trip with [...]

Lending clubs: A threat to credit unions

Lending clubs: A threat to credit unions

Although a credit union is operated cooperatively, as a “not-for-profit” entity, the “not-for-profit” status of credit unions does not prevent them from making money. Credit unions generate their revenue almost entirely from lending, both business [...]

A judge’s perspective on the 2014 NTCUE challenge

A judge’s perspective on the 2014 NTCUE challenge

Early in 2014, I was asked to judge the Next Top Credit Union Executive contest. My duties would include reviewing video and blog posts from the top 15 as we worked to the final five. [...]

Focus; Survey; Cyber Monday

Focus; Survey; Cyber Monday

by: Anthony Demangone Recently, I had a chance to speak with a credit union CEO who turned around her credit union's performance in about two years. I asked her how she did it. Let me [...]

Go tell it on the mountain

Go tell it on the mountain

How to talk up credit unions so more people buy in—and benefit. by: Heidi Overman The most viable financial model in America today is the cooperative credit union system. So why isn’t the [...]

Are you asking these questions about EMV conversion?

Are you asking these questions about EMV conversion?

by: Henry Meier In the immortal words of Elaine from Seinfeld is it time for you to attempt conversion? Right now card issuers are liable for the costs of POS fraud involving both credit and [...]

Do you know people like you?

Do you know people like you?

by: Bill Prichard CO-OP is expanding its “Empowering People” initiative by increasing the frequency of new content to provide financial literacy education to Millennials and raise awareness of credit unions as a partner on their [...]