News Archives

Identifying credit union technology gaps for a faster recovery

Identifying credit union technology gaps for a faster recovery

by: Mark Komnik Conducting a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) is the first step in building your Business Continuity Program.  The BIA report describes potential risks and the projected financial impact to the credit union when [...]

Reaching the millennial generation through financial education

Reaching the millennial generation through financial education

by: Jason Vitug I recently read a post by fellow community blogger, Bryan Clagett, asking the question, “What does financial education really mean?” I thought it would be an opportune follow-up to address the very [...]

Does practice really make perfect?

Does practice really make perfect?

When it comes to annual events such as board planning or employee meetings, credit unions have one shot to get it right. by: Rebecca Wessler When it comes to annual events such as board planning [...]

Now that I’ve got your attention

Now that I’ve got your attention

As credit unions struggle to keep up with the regulations that continue to pour out of federal agencies, there appears to be additional support developing to help them. The corporate crisis of 2008-2009 has been [...]

What it’s not… experts speak out!

What it’s not… experts speak out!

So, What is it? What does this all mean? by: Brian Abner Our journey through the Future of Banking covered a lot of ground and if you want to re-read it in-part or whole, it’[...]

Ideas for building a team

Ideas for building a team

by: Dan Berger While there may be no such thing as a “perfect team,” it is something all CEOs and leaders strive to achieve in the workplace. Getting a team of people from different backgrounds, [...]

Should your data vaulting solution be encrypted?

Should your data vaulting solution be encrypted?

by: Robin Remines Data Vaulting (or sometimes known as remote backup service (RBS) is the process of sending data off-site, where it can be protected from hardware failures, theft, and other threats. Many credit unions [...]

Millennials have investment plans, but not savings

Millennials have investment plans, but not savings

The Nationwide Retirement Institute conducted a survey and found 64 percent of millennials who invest have financial plans. However, the survey also stated 68 percent of millennials who are investing don't believe they're saving enough [...]

How immigration reform may impact your credit union

How immigration reform may impact your credit union

by: Henry Meier President Obama’s decision to grant resident status to more than 4 million undocumented aliens may well have a direct impact on your credit union’s operations and procedures. Specifically, you may [...]