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Relationship development skills: Journey to success

Relationship development skills: Journey to success

When working with branch managers, MZ Bierly Consulting refers to relationship development skills as a progression that involves four stages. “We are very careful to use the word progression as it implies that you are [...]

Modern mortgages for members

Modern mortgages for members

by: Tim Mislansky I’m always on the lookout for Credit Unions being memberlicious. I recently ran across a report from Callahan & Associates called Modern Mortgages for Members. It’s a great read as [...]

The gift of the digital age

The gift of the digital age

What can we learn about the shopping habits of millennials from the growth in popularity of digital gift cards? by: Erik Payne This weekend my little brother (he’s 20) emailed me his Christmas List. [...]

Good reasons why consumers should fear mobile banking

Good reasons why consumers should fear mobile banking

by: Ron Shevlin The Financial Brand recently reported on a study conducted by GOBankingRates which found that a little more than half of consumers–56%–indicated that they have a “main concern” about mobile banking. [...]

Dancing with the dinosaur

Dancing with the dinosaur

by: David Gibbard I was reading an article authored by Marc Rapport, senior writer at Callahan & Associates, called “All For One or One For All?” comparing the different technology strategies of two credit unions [...]

6 ways financial advisors can gain leads through social media

6 ways financial advisors can gain leads through social media

by: Emily Lange Rodecker As part of a 3-part series, we’ll be exploring the various ways financial advisors can gain leads through social media and work to expand their businesses and gain new customers. [...]

4 ways to prepare for growth in 2015

4 ways to prepare for growth in 2015

According to the most current CUNA economic forecast, 2015 is supposed to be one of the healthier years in recent times. The US economy is expected to grow 3.25%, with unemployment predicted to fall [...]

Success follows gratitude

Success follows gratitude

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I wanted to share with you a couple articles I came across that highlight the importance of gratitude, which is so important to achieving success. “People who approach [...]

If you give a future leader a cookie…

If you give a future leader a cookie…

You might unite and ignite the CU movement. by: Dana Murn-Kohal Remember the children’s book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie? In that story, giving the mouse a cookie sets off a chain [...]

Coach your branch managers to perform

Coach your branch managers to perform

John Maxwell once said, “everything rises and falls on leadership.” If Maxwell were a CEO of a financial institution he probably would have said “everything rises and falls on the branch manager.” One of the [...]

(Re)focusing on trust and ethics in marketing

(Re)focusing on trust and ethics in marketing

by: George Lawton In October I attended DMA 2014 (Direct Marketing Association’s annual conference), where there were over 2200 attendees representing 30+ countries; tons of interesting sessions. Understandably, you couldn’t escape the preponderance [...]