News Archives

The secret to their success

The secret to their success

by: Anthony Demangone Bill Gates and Warren Buffet were eating together at a group dinner. Someone asked everyone around the table to list the single most important factor that led to their success. Gates and [...]

Now you’re speaking my language

Now you’re speaking my language

by: Chasity Monk When coaching our financial institution clients on how to sell SWBC’s products (like GAP, MMP, credit life insurance, etc.), our training team encourages participants to provide ongoing feedback. We want to [...]

Webinar to explore real & predicted impact of data breaches

Webinar to explore real & predicted impact of data breaches

by: Nicole Reyes Experts are expecting another busy holiday season for retail data breaches and financial sector cybersecurity incidents. When asked if he expects another major retailer breach in the next few weeks, cybersecurity investigative [...]

When building a sandcastle, you can’t beat the ocean

When building a sandcastle, you can’t beat the ocean

Make sure you’re doing enough great work. by: Michael Hudson, Ph.D. During his keynote presentation at CEO/Executive Team Network last month, Michael Bungay Stanier shared some very important and valuable ideas about [...]

5 things every credit union board wants for their 2015 budget

5 things every credit union board wants for their 2015 budget

by: Kirk Drake In my experience there are three things that every board wants.  Less Risk, More Profits, and More Predictability.  The good news is that as financial institutions you are pretty good at all [...]

Simplify your strategic plan

Simplify your strategic plan

In preparing for a recent strategic planning session I was conducing for a new client I had the opportunity to review their prior plans. They actually had two—one strategic and one operational. Each was [...]

2014 time capsule: integration

2014 time capsule: integration

by: Samantha Paxson When we think back on 2014, what pivotal moments will we recall? As we’ve said many times, this year has been extraordinary for innovation, inspiration and change. Ideas that have been [...]

3 service delivery strategies for 2015

3 service delivery strategies for 2015

One of my favorite customer service quotes comes from the automotive industry: “If we aren’t customer driven, then our cars and trucks won’t be, either.” In the same vein, whether members will still [...]