News Archives

Four ways to get your credit union younger

by: Mark Arnold Almost every credit union wants to get younger—to reduce the average age of its consumers. The average age of membership at credit unions is about 48, while the average age of [...]

Five reasons consumers are unbanked

Five reasons consumers are unbanked

For many people – especially those of us working in the financial services industry – it can be difficult to understand why someone would not have a bank account (or if they do, why they would still [...]

At credit unions, focus on customer experience

At credit unions, focus on customer experience

by: Ashley Binder Consider your worst customer service experience. Perhaps it began by waiting in a needlessly long line, leaving you aggravated before you reach the front. Then a seemingly simple request to make an [...]

Message orchestration across the customer lifecycle

Message orchestration across the customer lifecycle

Three tactics to maximize marketing success The notion of “Customer Lifetime Value” is a concept and calculation that helps executives determine the dollar value associated with the long-term relationship of any customer, determining just how [...]

Nerd Wallet advises millennials to invest in credit unions

Nerd Wallet advises millennials to invest in credit unions

by: Christina Pontisso Millennials aren’t seeking financial advice. Nearly 25% of those born between the years 1980-1989 said it’s because they don’t trust anyone for reputable money advice, as stated in a [...]

2015 credit union challenges: the results

2015 credit union challenges: the results

by: Anthony Demangone A few weeks ago, I asked you all about challenges. Challenges that your credit union will face. That you will face. And that your teammates will face. Many thanks for the hundreds [...]

Learn to delegate

Learn to delegate

Most leaders understand that delegating is a must. But it should be more than just pushing your to-do list onto your employees. Instead, it involves learning their strengths and building up your trust in them. [...]

Dysfunctional Congress throws credit unions a bone

Dysfunctional Congress throws credit unions a bone

by: Henry Meier It is with gritted teeth that I congratulate Congress this morning for passing legislation (HR 3468) providing Share Insurance Coverage to credit unions holding Interest on Lawyer Trust Accounts (IOLTA). Passage of [...]

Failure, future and cooperative finance

Failure, future and cooperative finance

by: William Azaroff and David Klavitter When we joined the Filene Research Institute’s prestigious i3 (Ideas, Innovation, Implementation) Group in late 2012, we were excited. That’s because we were invited to join a [...]

Heard the stories? Now click into action

Heard the stories? Now click into action

by: Samantha Paxson If you participated in CO-OP’s “Year in Review: Top Stories of 2014” webinar, then you’ve already heard our top stories for the year. (If not, click here to download PowerPoint [...]

Bring your social media back to life

Bring your social media back to life

Have you noticed your Facebook page has peaked? Your Twitter page isn’t attracting any new followers (except porn/spammers)? Or, is your Pinterest page DOA? Creating a successful social media campaign and platform is [...]