News Archives

The rise of the multi-screeners

The rise of the multi-screeners

Offering a consistent and personal experience across devices will increase CUs’ appeal. by: Stephen Bohanon A Google study titled, “The New Multi-screen World: Understanding Cross-platform Consumer Behavior,” reported that “we are a nation of multi-screeners,” [...]

Data breaches still a growing risk within credit union industry

Data breaches still a growing risk within credit union industry

With recent high-profile data breaches occurring this year, organizations are experiencing an entirely new risk level of data theft and security. At this year’s Discovery Conference, CUNA Mutual Group’s Jay Morgan and Beazley [...]

“Thank You for Being in My Toolbox”

“Thank You for Being in My Toolbox”

Last week we told you the story of one of the 8.5 million credit union members we helped protect this year from unforeseen setbacks to payments on vital resources like cars and homes. To [...]

Data analytics for personalized financial education

Data analytics for personalized financial education

The opportunity for credit unions to give better financial guidance to members is hidden in a deep “data ocean” by: Nate Wentzlaff Credit unions store massive amounts of data on detailed aspects of members’ lives.  [...]

Santa’s chocolate chip cookies…with no chocolate chips?

Santa’s chocolate chip cookies…with no chocolate chips?

Confession: I’m not a sweets person. Walk me past a bakery and my expression remains unchanged. Walk me past a Starfleet Transporter pad, different story. The free Godiva monthly chocolate? Don’t use it. [...]

Benefits of store credit cards

Benefits of store credit cards

Store credit cards often get a bad rap because of their high interest rates and low lines of credit, but they can serve a viable role in consumer’s financial lives, when used strategically. Here’[...]

The joy of TAKING

The joy of TAKING

Sounds strange, doesn’t it? Usually (and especially during this time of year) we’re talking about the joy of giving and we find ourselves on a constant quest to find stuff to give to [...]

Top ways to improve your DR test (and your recovery)

Top ways to improve your DR test (and your recovery)

If your credit union has never done a disaster recovery test, this post won’t make much sense.  However, If your credit union is planning on complying with your FFIEC guidelines and doing at least [...]

Consumer education & preparedness for EMV debit cards

Consumer education & preparedness for EMV debit cards

by: Brandon Kuehl In my last blog post I excerpted a recent white paper I wrote for community financial institution (FI) card issuers, America’s Next Step in EMV: Debit Cards. In the follow-on excerpt [...]

Don’t wait until 2015! Do the following before the end of 2014

Don’t wait until 2015! Do the following before the end of 2014

by: John Ulzheimer New Years resolutions are great, but before you start focusing on them, take a look at this list of personal-credit resolutions to fulfill before New Years. Claim your free credit reports. For [...]

Generation “us”

Generation “us”

This year, let’s celebrate where we’re alike as well as where we’re different.   by: Aaron Pugh Puzzled by Gen Y? I think I finally understand the sentiment. See there’s this new [...]