News Archives

Keep your New Year’s financial resolution simple

Keep your New Year’s financial resolution simple

by: Christina Pontisso “You can make a lot of progress, and avoid disappointment, by identifying and acting on simple moves that pay off most over time,” writes CUNA’s Home & Family Finance Resource Center, [...]

What does your financial future look like?

What does your financial future look like?

by: Olga Dow We are heading into the year 2015, the same year that Marty and Doc set the time circuits for in Back to the Future Part II. Released in 1989, Hollywood’s vision [...]

Best strategic planners are forward-thinking

Best strategic planners are forward-thinking

by: Shazia Manus In an article I recently wrote for Credit Union Business, I highlighted the characteristics I believe are key for an effective strategic planner to possess. In my last blog post I broke [...]

Beware of these 6 data gaps in your lending

Beware of these 6 data gaps in your lending

by: David Gilbert Managing a loan portfolio is no easy task. To properly manage any loan portfolio in today’s economy, you need your data to be solid. Over the years, having worked with thousands [...]

How to successfully launch and live core values

How to successfully launch and live core values

A core value is a principle that guides an organization’s internal conduct as well as its relationships with the external world. Companies that are guided by those core values tend to have greater success. [...]

2015: Goals for successful leadership

2015: Goals for successful leadership

by: Jerome Knyszewski Can you believe it? 2015 is here already! Wow. Time flies. Like crazy fast, right?! Question: How'd you do on your business and personal goals for 2014? I hope you EXCEEDED all [...]

What’s your anti-insanity plan for 2015?

What’s your anti-insanity plan for 2015?

The Internet attributes this famous quote alternately to Mark Twain, Albert Einstein, and Benjamin Franklin: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” We may never know [...]

“Twas the night before New Year’s”

“Twas the night before New Year’s”

‘Twas the night before New Year’s, two-thousand-fifteen, A most interesting year on the ERM scene. Consumers were vulnerable to hackers’ reaches, As merchants were “Targets” of broad data breaches. Emerging technologies came every day: [...]

Bank fees help contribute to growing credit union membership

Bank fees help contribute to growing credit union membership

by: Christina Pontisso A year in review for credit unions, is reported in the Credit Unions Online article “2014 Credit Union Review: Bank Fees and More Bank Fees” written by Gina Ragusa. Credit Unions continue [...]

Clear language and respect

Clear language and respect

by: Seth Godin Our connection economy thrives when people understand what to expect from one another. We're more likely than ever to engage in interactions that involve an exchange, something that deserves a specific clarification. [...]

New Year’s resolutions for compliance officers

New Year’s resolutions for compliance officers

by: Lindsey Richardson With 2015 right around the corner, many of us are thinking of resolutions for the New Year.  While it is a great idea in theory, there are times when we set goals [...]