News Archives

Integrate your marketing ecosystem

Integrate your marketing ecosystem

5 Tips to Multiply Your Marketing Results The marketing ecosystem for most financial service organizations has become increasingly fragmented. Campaign management across multiple channels is one of the most difficult areas to execute since multiple [...]

Has your credit union missed the cloud computing “boat”?

Has your credit union missed the cloud computing “boat”?

While talking with a credit union this week, I had a conversation about “cloud computing” with a CIO who had expressed continuing frustration with the speed at which (or lack thereof) that they were getting [...]

Killing a flea with an elephant gun

Killing a flea with an elephant gun

by: Henry Meier This morning brings yet another example of how the government seems to work against itself. The FHA announced that it is cutting premiums charged to homeowners who take out FHA loans. At [...]

A word to the wise for credit union CEO’s: Learning to relate

A word to the wise for credit union CEO’s: Learning to relate

by: Tom Randle One of the keys to effective leadership rests squarely on your shoulders … it’s your ability to build sincere, sound relationships with every one of your members, directors, employees and yes, nobody [...]

Ways you can make a financial fresh start in 2015

Ways you can make a financial fresh start in 2015

by: Spencer Tierney It’s common wisdom that New Year’s resolutions are much easier said than done. If your resolutions are all about improving finances, NerdWallet can help you find the best credit card [...]

Two thoughts on resolutions

Two thoughts on resolutions

It is that time of year. Gyms are crowded. Folks order salads more often. Lists are made. Battle plans are drawn. Tis the season for resolutions. I don’t mind resolutions one bit. I think [...]

New Year’s resolution: join a credit union

New Year’s resolution: join a credit union

We all know it’s just about impossible to stick to our New Year’s Resolutions. Sometimes that’s because we try to pile it all on at once, sometimes we just overreach. The trick [...]

New in 2015: Experience counts

New in 2015: Experience counts

by: Samantha Paxson Welcome to a new year! We’re kicking off our 2015 coverage with “then and now” comparisons on hot topics for credit unions. First up: Member experience. If you scroll back to [...]

Back with predictions

Back with predictions

It’s a new year and that means everyone is giving their predictions about 2015. I took a break from blogging for most of December, tying up loose ends in the office and taking some [...]