News Archives

Authentic FUN at work

Authentic FUN at work

by: Alex Castley I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday season and is enjoying 2015 so far!  I took a lot of time off during the holidays and found some time to relax.  And, [...]

Proposed prepaid product protections: changes to Regs. E and Z

Proposed prepaid product protections: changes to Regs. E and Z

by: Jane Pannier In an effort to defend prepaid product consumers, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is proposing what it sees as strong, new federal protections. The intent is to provide protections to consumers whether [...]

Best of 2014: Credit union big data/analytics – Part 2

Best of 2014: Credit union big data/analytics – Part 2

by: Austin Wentzlaff Big Data/Analytics has been buzzing around different industries for some time now. A prime example is how Amazon used Big Data/Analytics to dominate the retail industry. For the Credit Union [...]

Get a good strategy for your credit union

Get a good strategy for your credit union

by: Kelly Schmit Volunteers are expected to be involved in a credit union’s strategy development and prescribe a course into the future, John Oliver, president of Laurel Management Systems, Inc., told CUES’ Directors Conference [...]

What I want for 2015

What I want for 2015

A high performing virtual branch! Yes, I need to create a real digital branch that is integrated into my other channels. Three things make it high performing – effective, convenient, & profitable. Effective – it works correctly. [...]

U.S. merchants behind in online consumer authentication

U.S. merchants behind in online consumer authentication

by: Brian Day With U.S. online sales forecast to reach more than $320 billion by 2016, it’s clear Americans are becoming more comfortable shopping online with each passing year. The same appears to [...]

A sales culture is not the answer

A sales culture is not the answer

by: Ron Shevlin What is it with banks’ and (in particular) credit unions’ obsessions with developing, or instilling, a sales culture? Every so often, I run across articles that purport to teach bank and credit [...]