News Archives

Back to basics

Back to basics

2014 produced a number of new challenges and opportunities for credit unions, along with a high degree of uncertainty. Apple introduced ApplePay, Walmart announced it would insert itself further into the financial services world, EMV [...]

Six cyber-enhancing technologies you should know

Six cyber-enhancing technologies you should know

by: John Carlson Cybersecurity threats cannot be addressed by just educating consumers and businesses. The government and the private sector must also implement technologies and tools that, collectively and in combination, can mitigate our cybersecurity [...]

How to speak “millennial”

How to speak “millennial”

by: Georgann Smith Worldwide, there are 2 billion Millennials – a powerful consumer group between the ages of 18 and 34. In the U.S., Millennials will represent more than $1.4 trillion in spending by [...]

Millennials play key role in homeownership

Millennials play key role in homeownership

by: Christina Pontisso Below are some factors that might explain why millenials are reluctant or even prohibited from becoming first time home buyers. Gino Blefari, CEO of HSF Affiliates LLC, the operator of Berkshire Hathaway [...]

Credit unions’ share of the mortgage market rises

Credit unions’ share of the mortgage market rises

Credit unions have always been a popular choice for home loans, but the past year saw even more impressive growth than usual. In a time when home sales were flat overall, according to the National [...]

Credit: New and ready to grow?

Credit: New and ready to grow?

by: Bill Prichard On the face of it, credit cards haven’t changed much since their introduction decades ago. Plastic cards are so familiar that they’re iconic. But the inner workings of the credit [...]

Consumers enjoy snapping pictures to deposit checks

Consumers enjoy snapping pictures to deposit checks

by: Brian Day Many Americans are taking advantage of mobile remote check deposit. In fact, according to a recent American Bankers Association (ABA) survey, one in eight respondents used remote deposit in the past year. [...]

Substitute mindfulness for multi-tasking

Substitute mindfulness for multi-tasking

3 tips for the workplace. by: Romie Mushtaq, M.D. Google, eBay, Intel and General Mills offer classes on it. So do Harvard Business School, Ross School of Business and Claremont Graduate University, among other [...]

Part-time employees: Smart play or added expense?

Part-time employees: Smart play or added expense?

by: Philippe Asselin Recently someone shared with me their teenage son averages over $20 an hour working part time bussing tables at the local BBQ place—and he receives some optional benefit offerings plus half-price [...]

6 steps to build an analytics-empowered alerts strategy

6 steps to build an analytics-empowered alerts strategy

by: Nate Wentzlaff The amount of activities occurring at a credit union every day can be intimidating when building data-driven solutions.  With complex business processes and tasks requiring manual intervention, credit unions are hesitant in [...]