News Archives

5 essential steps for effective dashboards

5 essential steps for effective dashboards

by: Peter Keers In the quest to improve operational performance, credit unions are looking for ways to take advantage of Big Data and Analytics. One area of interest is dashboards. Dashboards are generally defined as [...]

What is the state of your marketing?

What is the state of your marketing?

We all have our favorite states. It might be your native state, a destination state or an adopted home state. If you are like me and are a native Texan your favorite state may also [...]

Increase your web traffic with a localized search strategy

Increase your web traffic with a localized search strategy

Consumers and businesses turn to search engines when researching new financial products such as auto loans, mortgages and small business loans. Competition for placement on search results pages is very high, but there are untapped [...]

The war for wallets: CU Wallet to debut this year

The war for wallets: CU Wallet to debut this year

by: Ashley Binder The world is increasingly digital. Favorite songs, memorable moments and solitaire are all housed on a small, thin rectangle likely tucked away in a pocket. The techies and bankers alike knew that [...]

Time to develop real-time?

Time to develop real-time?

by: Samantha Paxson Let’s just say it: Faster is better. And better still, 2015 may be the year for real-time payments. According to The Fed, 69 percent of consumers and 75 percent of business [...]

Navigating the United State’s EMV zone of doubt and blame

Navigating the United State’s EMV zone of doubt and blame

As we approach the first EMV-related liability shifts later this year, it’s clear the U.S. payments ecosystem is deeply entrenched in the unavoidable “zone of doubt and blame” right now regarding EMV. Since [...]

Anger, misdirected

Anger, misdirected

by: Anthony Demangone I was sure he was going to like it. Whenever I go on a business trip, I try to bring Kate and Briggs back a gift that ties into the area. For [...]

‘More’ foreclosures predicted under new rules

‘More’ foreclosures predicted under new rules

Does your experience match this? by: Mary Auestad Arnold Brian Dolan predicts that in many areas of the U.S. the number of foreclosures during the first six months of 2015 will exceed the number [...]

Q&A with internationally renowned cybersecurity expert

Q&A with internationally renowned cybersecurity expert

by: Shelbey Neil We’ve all heard the high-profile names of retailers and financial institutions that were the victims of a data breach in the past year (looking at you, Target, Home Depot, eBay, Michaels, [...]

Looking good by doing your people good

Looking good by doing your people good

by: Joseph Winn If your credit union has a record year of awesomeness, do you reap any benefits? Do the CEO and board offer you a raise? Maybe first choice in the holiday kickball game? [...]

5 ways to refine FOM with NCUA’s Vice Chairman Rick Metsger

5 ways to refine FOM with NCUA’s Vice Chairman Rick Metsger

You may have seen the recent news from NCUA's Vice Chairman Rick Metsger about his proposed changes to today's Field of Membership (FOM) requirements. To get his thoughts behind each of his five changes, we [...]