News Archives

Make learning work for employees and your credit union

Make learning work for employees and your credit union

Employers play key role in success of employees’ professional development. by: Lisa Hochgraf Making learning seem both fun and doable is an important challenge for executives and credit unions alike. The world is constantly changing, [...]

Banking analytics gives credit unions a better eye on profitability, risk

Banking analytics gives credit unions a better eye on profitability, risk

by: Brandon Bogler With new data mining and predictive analytics solutions, financial institutions (FIs) can gain precious insights into consumer behavior. Specifically, banking analytics can help improve how FIs segment, target, acquire and retain customers. [...]

The new product development dilemma in banking

The new product development dilemma in banking

by: Ron Shevlin I’ve come to the conclusion that there are five types of people who attend my conference presentations: Those who expect to get tips and advice on what they can do to [...]

RBC 2 reality check

RBC 2 reality check

by: Henry Meier The son of a good friend of mine just got braces. He’s been complaining about it for the last week, which is understandable since the contraption will inhabit his mouth for [...]

Making room for the new generations

Making room for the new generations

Millennials are now pretty firmly entrenched in the workforce and Gen Z is hot on their trail. These new generations of workers have brought new outlooks, perspectives, ideals and enhanced tech skills to the credit [...]

5 marketing trends for 2015

Are you prepared for the marketing trends of 2015? The Credit Union Times reported five marketing trends for 2015 last week and as a DigitalMailer client we wanted to let you know how you can [...]

Analytics tools: Cultivating the “data wilderness”

Analytics tools: Cultivating the “data wilderness”

The credit union industry is living in a wilderness of untamed data.  Cultivating this “data wilderness” will require a vast array of analytics tools. by: Nate Wentzlaff Credit unions are in the middle of an [...]

Great leaders have these key traits…

Great leaders have these key traits…

by: Dan Berger Not every leader is a great leader. Great leaders truly stand out – they make others feel valued and make the time to connect with the folks they lead. An article by Lolly [...]

Credit unions: Big believers in small business

Credit unions: Big believers in small business

by: Christina Pontisso A Smarter Choice would like to give special thanks to Lancaster Red Rose Credit Union for contributing the article below to our blog. They provided a very insightful article focused on how [...]