News Archives

Social media smarts: Find them. Engage them. Convert Them.

by: Sundeep Kapur A friend of mine runs marketing for a financial institution. They used to host a quarterly financial best practices workshop to enhance relationships with existing members and also attract a few new [...]

weCU2 uncovers the key to merging millennials with your credit union

weCU2 uncovers the key to merging millennials with your credit union

by: Mike Lawson Spoken from the vocal chords of a true, self-proclaimed Millennial, we discovered the key that unlocks the elusive mystery for credit unions to attract and retain this all-important, younger demographic for future [...]

Race economics and mortgage lending

by: Henry Meier “Buying a home is easier if you’re white” reported CNN yesterday based on the findings of a  research report put together by Zillow with a forward by the National Urban League. [...]

Is your credit union doing enough to help young entrepreneurs?

Is your credit union doing enough to help young entrepreneurs?

by: Manpreet Nat In 2012 Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel left Stanford, 3 classes shy of graduation to focus on Snapchat, a mobile app he developed that lets users send photos and messages that disappear a [...]

Are you HARPing?

The Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) expires at the end of 2015. It’s been a great opportunity for millions of Americans to refinance to lower rates even when they owed more than the value [...]

The trouble with tomatoes

The trouble with tomatoes

Quick! Which has more genes: humans or tomatoes? If you said humans, you'd be forgiven. And wrong. But possibly onto a deeper insight into people. In a story published in Spirit magazine, the surprisingly well-written [...]

It’s never too late to make resolutions

It’s never too late to make resolutions

by: David Karl A little over a month has passed since we rang in the new year and set personal goals to make 2015 the best year yet. So, how are your resolutions going? Good? [...]

A look at what’s ahead for credit cards

A look at what’s ahead for credit cards

by: Brian Scott In almost every industry, a new year means new trends and expectations. The credit card industry is no different. EMV chip cards are receiving a great deal of attention these days, but [...]

5 ‘Youtility’ ideas for credit unions

5 ‘Youtility’ ideas for credit unions

CUES Symposium attendees brainstormed ways CUs can be useful to members online. by: Theresa Witham Being useful (rather than just selling) is a key way to establish a positive social media presence, according to Jay [...]

The foundation of credit union excellence

The foundation of credit union excellence

In an industry where data is the most valuable asset, data integrity is essential. Building a successful credit union begins with data integrity. by: Nate Wentzlaff Credit union data is more abundant than ever. Along [...]

The dirty truth of credit union YouTube video views exposed

The dirty truth of credit union YouTube video views exposed

by: Jonathan Lay A few months back, there was an industry publication highlighting the successful results of a financial institution’s YouTube video series. In the article, a key metric mentioned was the total number [...]

Things to ponder as you start your credit union week

Things to ponder as you start your credit union week

by: Henry  Meier As someone who subscribes to the glass half-empty view of the U.S. economy, even I have to admit that Friday’s jobs report is a good indication that we will probably [...]